
2018-11-01 「現時点において、70歳程度の人は、メールを使えないことの言い訳に、『高齢』を振りかざすことは許されない」 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


8-bit microcomputer (early computer) was born when I was about 12 years old. Let's provisionally set this as 1975.


And Windows 95 came out in 1995, 20 years later.


For 20 years from 1975 to 1995, I have to admit that the personal computer was not a general purpose product(It was a time when I was persecuted as a nerd just by using a personal computer.)


However, after Windows 95, it can be said that the personal computer has become a general-purpose home appliance.


Furthermore, mail was confirmed as a tool equivalent to telephone by mobile phone,


Let's look at a considerable margin and let that time be 2005, after ten years.



From the above, the following hypotheses can be derived.


Hypothesis 1: "In the year 2005, mail was established as a means of communicating with the citizens"


Based on this hypothesis, I will continue the verification.


At the year 2005, I suppose that the maximum age limit for people working in active service is 55 years old.


Thinking that the persons who was younger than this age at that time, had an environment that they could use mail". And additionally I can derive the following hypothesis.

仮説2:「現時点で、70歳の人間は、日常の通信手段としてメールを使えるはずである ―― 余裕で」

Hypothesis 2: "At the present time, a 70-year old person should be able to use e-mail as a means of daily communication with their margin"


In the above hypothesis 2, there are a lot of examples in my relatives that can prove this (they can use use of e-mail everyday). Of course, there are also many counter examples, too).


From the above, my "theory" is, except for physical problem due to aging


"At the present time, it is not permissible for elder people around 70 to use "older" as an excuse for not being able to use e-mails."




Of course, this is quite a rough "theory".


This might be a violence itself.


So, I do not want to generalize this "theory".


However, I think that we can impose this theory on some specified people.


For example, they are leaders of an organization.

彼らは、「怠惰」「無責任」と非難されても、それは仕方がないことであると思っています ―― 同情の余地なし、です。


It cannot be helped that they are blamed for their inexecution as "idleness" and "irresponsibility". It is "No room of the pity".


At least, people of the generation of mine, can use "mail" "conference call" and "file sharing" on a routine basis.


All people who don't do "prior announcement", "frequent occurrence" and rob me of time for my private activities,


and don't do "any approach" "any effort" and "any alternate" with an excuse of "old age", and come to put me "inefficiency"

―― 全て「私の敵」です。

are my enemies.


(To be continued)

2018-11-02 ―― 私は彼らの「無能」を許さない。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Recently I was surprised to hear that " a PC is installed in the room of chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations" was in the news


Please make sure that the point is "was in the news".


I have been thinking with good intent considerably that the works of a chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations, or a president of a company, should be


"highly abstract and supersensual issues that are difficult only to use IT technologies"



To tell you the truth, I have little awareness of the feeling about persons who live in the cloud at the top of a hill. In addition, I don't want to understand the feeling at all.


Anyway, I have had a well-meaning understanding that "they try to work without IT on purpose".


However, after knowing this news, I come to know that it is just my misunderstanding.


ちゃんと裏が取れていない現時点で、拙速に結論に至るのは危険ですが ――

Of course, speed-before-quality is in danger because I don't do some back research, however,


if "they cannot use IT technologies because of lack of their abilities or absence of their efforts" were to true

―― 私は彼らの「無能」を許さない。

"I never forgive their incompetence"


They are not ordinary people but sort of so-called "president". And their work makes company members obey, as a leader.


In order to accomplish their purpose, they should accept responsibility to provide the members with best work environments, and keep studying and making efforts indefinitely.


I always can give them a severe scolding with saying "Don't bullshit"


Moreover, I feel pain and unpleasure to be obeyed by a person like a president of the company or a chairman of the board who cannot use even PC like so on

2018-11-03 『匿名SNSなどで、人の悪口を言っている人は、自分も悪口を言われることになる』 [長年日記]


The other day, an entertainer in a variety show, said,


"People who speak ill of people, on anonymous SNS, will be spoken ill by them"



I can understand that the feelings of the entertainer painfully, and I think that I want it to be true as well from my bottom of my heart.


However, his opinion is incorrect.


Because the essential of "anonymous SNS" is anonymity


The system guarantees "bad mouth" securely, irresponsibly, unilaterally 100% , without identity


The system is no risk perfectly, since it is made in such a way.

―― 悪口言いっぱなし

"You can say bad things unlimitedly"




In the past, a person who criticized were required to be responsible for the remarks of their criticisms.


If you criticize, you must have identified as a critics absolutely.

だから、「論理的な説明する能力を欠いている人」は、基本的に世間に批判を公開しませんでした ―― というか、できませんでした。

So, basically "people who lack the ability to explain logically" did not publish their criticism to the world - or they could not.


However, with the advent of anonymous SNS, anyone can say what they want freely, conceptually, intuitively, short-circuited, ignorantly.



Whether this is "wonderful" depends on the qualities (characteristics) of that person.


Of course, paradise would be realized for "people lacking the ability to explain logically."


The world where you can speak ill of people without permission is to provide a place of great stress relief.


And for the side who exposes identity and provides content, it is the emergence of unreasonable hell that is no more.


And this system will shrink people (especially young people) who try to disclose their contents.


The system will break a creator's minds and destroy their talents.


(I've seen a lot of such cases).



Using anonymity SNS, means, I think,


"they have an intention to use the system that guarantees "bad mouth" securely, irresponsibly, unilaterally 100% , without identity


to the world".





"People who speak ill of people, on as anonymous SNS, will be spoken ill by them"


will not be established.


Because, anonymous SNS is the system that breaks people minds, in a one-sided bad mouth.

2018-11-04 近未来のSFアニメに登場する、インターフェースのデザインは役に立つのです(まあ、「美少女アンドロイド」は、脇に置いておくとして)。 [長年日記]


I am watching science fiction animation whose stage is in the near future. The main purpose is to enjoy that content, on the other hand, they are also useful for my works.


"User interface"



"User interface" is an intermediary between a machine (computer) and a human being,


On a daily basis it is a "smartphone's operation screen", and it appears in the form of "beautiful girl android" in the SF world.


The superiority of the user interface confirms the evaluation of the system, and it is no exaggeration to say that once the interface design is decided, the system requirements have been decided.


In other words, "user interface design is difficult".



The interface design that appears in near future SF animation is useful (Well, as "Pretty girl Android" is left aside).


Watching these animations, I understand the feeling of animation creators, "how they understand software technologies (including AI technologies) and digital services", and I can know their the concept as a specific example.


However, my preference .., correction of animation ... Since the range of directivity is extremely narrow, I can not say that I grasped the whole SF animations. (It is not likely that I will finish my life without being called anime otaku).


Still, the following animations made a contribution to my work and make it.

■ヘヴィーオブジェクト (AI技術の見える化)

- Heavy object for "visualization of AI technology"

■PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス (人間の心理の見える化)

- PSYCHO-PASS for "visualization of human psychology"

■ソードアート・オンライン (仮想世界の見える化)

- Sword Art Online for "visualization of virtual world"


On the other hand, although it may seem surprising, the interface of such as "Space Battleship Yamato" or "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is not very useful for me.


The former, as a system concept, has an old feeling (due to the extension of the modern battleship), the latter is because I can not grasp the overall appearance of the system (system requirements).


Of course, this is my sense of interface and the sense is irrelevant to the superiority or inferior of the work (just for my preferences).


By the way, the other day, I contributed on the theme "Verify the feasibility of animation AI".


If there is a chance, I'd like to consider also in terms of "verifying the effectiveness of the animation's user interface".

2018-11-05 『"もうダメだ!"と思ったら読む本』 [長年日記]


At the bookshelf of a convenience store in my company, I can see a book whose title is


"The book when you think "I am sunk!""



I get on my nerves about whether this book "is left" or "continues to be ordered".


I also get on my nerves about the reason why the book is chosen.



Anyway, if you leave this book on your desk in the office, and show the book title to your co-workers, this action will have something to make an appeal.


I don't know what a kind of effect will be coming.

2018-11-06 『あの野郎、見つけ出して、叩き殺して、捜査を打ち切らせてやる』 [長年日記]


Recently, there was a case that a suspect who was interrogated escaped, and many police officers were mobilized to search for him.


It goes without saying that it is the suspect that is bad, but it also goes without saying that police organizations should be blamed more.


However, I think that the method of criticism is 'weak'.


I am still wondering.


"A total of 2,000 police officers were mobilized for the search"


is worse than


"An additional cost overwhelmed 60 million for searching, has occurred at the present time"

という言い方をした方が、より強い批判になると思います ―― しかし、こういう言い方がされているのを聞いたことがありません。

from the viewpoint of criticism. However, I have never heard that such a way.


If it is said that "the police of the jurisdiction is insufficient and they asked for support, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, food expenses, others, will overlap further.


"Business confusion" is, of course, a situation that is not organized as a budget (right?). If they get extra money from somewhere, they should not be able to keep their works.


Moreover, for the sake of the incident, they can not overlook the fugitive.


They never say that "we will cease the investigation, because the investigation expenses exceeded 100 million yen"



However, this way will beyond the criticism of the police authorities, and we can expect to be transformed into citizen's anger.

―― あの野郎が、一日逃亡に成功するだけで、私達の血税が「何百万円単位」で無駄遣いされている

"Just because that guy succeeds in running away the day, our blood tax is being wasted in "millions of yen units""

―― 一月も捕まらなければ、軽く「億」のオーダに達しているハズ

"If he does not get caught for a month, it is lightly reaching the order of "billion"


If we consider it, "anger" should come up in a moment.


If we think that money should have been passed on to "child care" or "nursing care", we come to think naturally,


"I will find the guy, kill him and enforce to stop the investigation"



"善意の協力"なんぞ、私達、市民は持ち合わせていません ―― "権力(警察)"と"善意"は、昔から相性が悪いと決まっています。

Our citizens do not have "cooperation of good intentions". "Power (police)" and "good will" have been incompatible for a long time.

"懸賞金"なんぞでは、私達、市民は動きません ―― 犯人の人相など、テレビから3秒も離れれば興味を失って、忘れてしまいます。

Our citizens do not move with "prize money". If we take us leave from the television for 3 seconds, we lose interest the face of criminal and forget it.

しかし ――


『私達の血税が盗み取られている』という私達への損害を「数値」で明らかにして、"憎悪"という感情に転換できた時 ――

"Our blood tax is being stolen" will be clarified by "numerical value" and when we were able to switch to feelings of "hatred",


At that time, we will start moving.

2018-11-07 ―― 杖を持ち、髭をはやした「伊藤博文」になったような気持ちで。 [長年日記]


I heard that there is an elder student of my second daughter, who is exhorting to watch "Steins Gate Zero"


Hearing the story, I was very impressed


"one of the best fellows with admirable spirit going"


―― 杖を持ち、髭をはやした「伊藤博文」になったような気持ちで。

feeling to make me "Itou Hirobumi" who let the beard grew and had a stick in the hand.

2018-11-08 ―― Google世論調査 [長年日記]


"Public opinion" is hard to investigate.


Mass media, government, etc can do large scale questionnaire to obtain these information.


However, such activities are limited to corporations with financial resources.


Weekend writers can not compete at all.


Because a weekend writer cannot compete at all, I should do simulation and use various mathematical calculations and inference tools, as palliation.



Recently, I am using "Google" search engine as a simple method of investigation of public opinion.


Although the purpose is not the same as the questionnaires, if you enter a specific term, you can get the number of hits directly. It is suitable for investigating rough public opinion.


For example, if you compare the number of hits with the term "nursing care" and "enjoyable nursing care", you can see that the concept of "enjoyable care" is less than 0.01% of the content "nursing care".


In fact, we can judge that there is no concept of "enjoyable care" in the world.


By using the service of "Google Trend", we can know when a specified words appeared and disappeared.


For example, we can know the lifecycle of the words of "M2M" "Long tail" and "Big Data" with "Google Trend"


Google is the super lowest method to investigate "Public opinion"


It is

―― Google世論調査

"Google opinion poll"



(To be continued)

2018-11-09 "Google裁定"によって、一応の決着を見ることができる、という点にあると思っています。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


There is a problem that is a target of "Google opinion poll".

当然ですが、ブログやSNSを使わない人の意見は、デジタルコンテンツとしては記録されないので、それは "Google世論"としては、反映されません。

Needless to say, the opinions of people who cannot use blog and SNS, are not be recoreded as digital contents. So the opinions will be not reflected by the "Google opinion poll".


Even if not all persons who use PCs, cells and smartphones, say something by blog and SNS.

In addition, I know that there are many people who cannot use PCs, cells and smartphones (I had already simulated the ratio before)


Moreover, I said before that many persons in authority cannot use them.


In the way, "Google opinion poll" is not suitable as a method of "opinion poll", because the target is only for digital winners.



However, recently I come to think,

―― もう、それでもいいのかな

"So what?"



To begin with, there is no perfect "opinion poll" in the world.


General opinion polls show the result of people who come out (In the telephone survey of NHK, valid respondents to a questionnaire are nearly half.


Therefore, there is no problem to think that both the behavior of the people of general opinion poll and of the people who open their opinion in blog and SNS are almost same.



To tell you the truth, I think that the merit of "Google opinion poll" is, for example,


Which is more popular "fried rice" or "dumpling"

という、比較的どーでも良い議論に対して、―― それが暴力沙汰に発展する前に、

that is relatively trivial matter, but this often become "violent row"


"Ruling of Google" can avoid troublesome affairs like above.

2018-11-10 コンテンツを広めていくものは、宣伝でも、広告でもなく、そのコンテンツを勧める人物の「人となり」である、と実感しています。 [長年日記]


It is a story about 20 years ago.


There was a period when I worked with a junior female researcher.


I talked with her a lot. Especially, in the story of Miyuki Miyabe's book "Kasha", I remember being raised with strange tension.

She: "By the way, Ebata-san, do you know "BANANA FISH"?"


Ebata: "No, is the author a Japanese?"


She: "It's a Japanese comic, be sure to read"

と、言われて、『BANANA FISH』の話は、その時限りとなりました。

After that, the talk about "BANANA FISH" was limited to that time.


And, I forgot it for a year.


ある日のこと、古本屋で、『BANANA FISH』の古書を手にして、何気なく第1巻を購入し、まあ、最初は、それほどの感慨を持たずに読んでいました。

One day, at the secondhand bookstore, we purchased the first volume of used "BANANA FISH". And at the beginning, I was reading with not much emotion.

その後、加速的に購入を重ね、嫁さんを巻き込んで、『BANANA FISH』は、江端家の大ブームとなりました。

After that, I repeatedly purchase it acceleratingly, involving her wife, and "BANANA FISH" became a big boom of the Ebata family.


Now, these books have become eternal preservation comics of the Ebatas.


I mentioned content harassment (Concara) in the past.


I realize that what is going to spread the content is not "advertisement" or "advertisement" but "personality" of the person who recommends the content.

信頼できるパートナーであった彼女の、たった一度の、たった一言の『BANANA FISH』で、江端家は、貴重なコンテンツを得ることになったのです。

With only one word of "BANANA FISH" only one time from my trustworthy partner, the Ebatas got valuable content.


『BANANA FISH』は、現在アニメで放映中です。

"BANANA FISH" is currently being aired on animation.


This animation has reproduced the original correctly with a conscientious work, so I can feel good.


However now I cannot restage of trembling in tremendous extraordinary life and feeling tears keep filling my eyes, when I read comics at the first time.



I have already told you that


the evaluation of a work (content) may change, at that point of contact with the work,


their age, degree of their knowledge and preference, reading comprehension, era background, even by weather and season,



I think that this is a easy example.



I hope that you who are reading this diary, will have a chance,


the most important book,


at the most important time,


will be recommended by the most important person,


at the bottom of my heart.

2018-11-11 ―― 人間側からのAI技術への破壊工作 [長年日記]


For writing the next column, I am doing a simple simulation experiment.


"Destructive experiment of deeply learned neural network".


On the other hand, I can say,

―― 人間側からのAI技術への破壊工作

"Destruction work from the human side to AI technology"



However, what I am doing is easy as stupid.





"How robust a neural network has against external attacks or self-destruction"




"How much can I stop a neural network if I break it.


I wanted to know the result approximately.


I tried searching for papers about the above trial, but I could not find it.


Actually, I also try it by myself.



I plan to disclose the results as the final round of "nursing care" of this month's "work way reform" series.


This column will also be "extremely uncomfortable" content.

2018-11-12 この「家」が、じいちゃんに「弔意」を示してくれた ―― [長年日記]


When you read my column etc, you might think,


"Ebata is an atheist (or a materialist), who does not believe UFOs, ghosts (paranormal) classes"


However, that is a misunderstanding.


In fact, I watched something like God (that was a hard to say "God"),


Besides, I do not think anyone who had experienced UFOs, ghosts, (so-called "seeers"), is "liars".


Rather, I think "I envy them".


If possible, I'd like to go to see UFOs, ghosts (paranormal) and etc. with a traveling suitcase full of various measuring devices.


When my father died this summer, I brought a futon to my father's side and I tried to sleep together.


I was trying to check the time with the clock in the living room, but the time on the clock was off by 6 hours.


I also remember the time of the clock of my father's bedroom next to the living room was out of time.


However, they didn't stop, so I thought, "watch batteries got weak."


I set my wake-up time on my smartphone and slept beside my father that night.



Two weeks later, I returned home again by inheritance and courses procedure.


At that time, I noticed that the time of the living room and bedroom clocks was restored.


I thought that my older sister did "time adjustment" or had "replaced the battery" and called her "while you were busy, I thank you for bothering to exchange the watch's batteries", however,


My sister said "I have not done anything like that".

ちなみに、その時計は2つとも、乾電池で動く時計だったのですが ―― 電波時計のような、自動時間補正機能はありません。

By the way, both of the clocks work with batteries, and there is no automatic time correction function like a radio clock.



While watching the clock in the living room, I talked to myself,


"Father, everyone loved you"



この「家」が、じいちゃんに「弔意」を示してくれた ――

"This "house" showed "condolences" to my father"


I still think so.

2018-11-13 しかし、個人が『「個性」は大切である』と信じることは、自殺行為と言えます。 [長年日記]


The government-led program aiming to improve "work style reform" is going.


I think that "work style" is one of personality of individual.


It is shameful that we are trying them under the leadership of the government.


However, I cannot blame the government about this programming.

長い間 ―― それこそ、20世紀の終り頃から、私達には、

For a long time, exactly, from the end of last century, we have had a history of defeat, that is


"Though even someone persisted with "work style reform", we could not act in concert with them"


認めなければならないことは ―― 私達は、政府に「働き方」を「テンプレート化」して貰えなければ、『自分の働き方』すら決められない国民であるということです。

Above all, we have to accept that each of us cannot decide "our work style" by ourselves, without the blue prints from the government.

従業員を過労死に追いやり、家庭を破壊させ、結婚の機会を奪われ、育児を不可能とされ、介護を強要される ―― 全方向の閉塞感を感じながらも、どうすることもできなかった国民 ―― それが私たちです。

We could not reform our work style, despite of death from overwork, family breakdown, neurosis of child-raising, and nursing duty, so-called, "sense of stagnation"


Of course, I know that some persons tried to fight against the stagnation with serious sense of crisis.


However, I am afraid that their activities were almost in vain, after all.


It is an evidence that "the government works for it"



However, there is also bright side of the above.

異質なモノ(人間)を排除して、組織(国や会社や学校)の存続を担保する ―― これは立派な「免疫システム」です。

"To eliminate extraneous objects(including human being) and to ensure an organization(like nation, company or school) safety" is perfect as "immune system".


If we regard our society as an immune system, "prominent personality" should be killed at the head. Because "prominent personality" is an extraneous object which will destroy the immune system itself.


However at the same aspect, the "prominent personality" will be expected to occur at regular intervals.


To changes in the environment constantly, organizations are always ready to use "prominent personality" at any time.

だからこそ『「個性」は大切である』と説かれるのです ―― 「真っ先に殺す」こと前提として。

So, the phrase of "personality is important" have repeated again and again, on the premise that they are going to be killed"



Any organization put forth a sound argument of "personality is important".


However, if you believe "personality is important", you are about to play Russian roulette.


Within our life, that is over half a century, I could not find any person who can reach to happiness life because of "prominent personality".


At least in the field of "work style reform", I am afraid that all ""prominent personalities" has been killed.



Now I am amazed that


- Though I got the the theory of "prominent personalities" are killed,


- my daughters had already got the knowledge and acted based on the theory.


2018-11-14 「パソコンを打ったことがない人」が、我が国のサイバーセキュリティを担当する大臣である、ということに、最大級の不安を覚えます。 [長年日記]


I know that those who are said to be "ministers" constituting the Cabinet are competent.


And, many of the ministers are studying, endeavoring,


regardless of holiday or late night, they have been workaholics that completely ignores the policy of "work way reform" (In additon, they have enforced to the surrounding people)


Anyway, I am not interested in a minister's "competent" or "effort" itself.

"有能"や"努力家"であることで、我が国の国益 (も、正直どうでも良くて)や、私の私益に資してくれるのであれば、それで十分です。

It is enough for me if they are "competent" or "effort" and they will contribute to our national interests, and my interests.


Regarding private matters of a Minister, if there are even

―― セクハラしようが、パワハラしようが、不倫しようが、浮気しようが

sexual harassment, power harassment, affair, and cheating


they really do not matter for me, if it is in another world.


しかし、そんな私でさえも ――

But even I


am worried about the greatest concern that "a person who has never used a personal computer" is the minister responsible for cyber security in our country.


Of course, I also know that there are a lot of talented bureaucrats under the minister and supporting the minister.


I also know that a minister is merely a "nominal representative(mikoshi)" in the range of some duties.


(To be continued)

2018-11-15 『パソコン程度の機械を扱えない大臣に、"有能"とか"努力家"という言葉は似合わない』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The minister in charge of cyber security, should know


"a system is contaminated with viruses, some of the files get destroyed"


"communication packets for attack continue to be launched indefinitely from my personal computer"


"my operating system has been hijacked, and even if I am in privileged user mode, I can not enter my system"


These fears, that make me faint with nausea and anemia, the ground come to turn with a gray,

を知っている人でなければならない ――


I do not mean narrow things with such as the above.

それは、「戦場の地獄を体験しなければ、国防を担当できない」という暴論 ――

Because it is wild view of "If you do not experience hell in the battlefield, you can not be in charge of defense."


It is the same as ""Denial of civilian control"



What I am talking about is a much lower level story.


First of all, I think that it is not an overstatement to say "to not hit a keyboard" is same with "not using a pencil".

At the moment, a boss who try to convey my intention to his subordinates without using mail (or SNS), is "anti-government guerrilla" against "working way reform". Clearly, She/He is a "terrorist".


(However, if the minister is using email or SNS with a smartphone, although he do not hit a keyboard of a personal computer, I will withdraw the above content and will apologize to the minister in charge)


私の個人的な所感ではありますが ――

Although it is just my personal impression - I think,


"For a minister who can not handle machines like personal computers, they don't suit "competent" or "effort ".


2018-11-16 私、修学旅行の宿泊先で、就寝時間になると、真っ先に寝てしまう生徒でした。 [長年日記]


At the school trip destination, I was a student who first slept asleep at bedtime.


I did not dislike the event that makes noise at night, and I didn't want to pretend to be an adult. I just dislike "sleep deprivation"

吐き気や頭痛なく、寺院や風景を楽しみたかった ―― それだけです。

I wanted to enjoy the temple and the landscape without nausea and headache - that's all.

My behavior was demonstrated at skiing events with college colleagues, and my only skiing memory was skiing.


That's aside.



The other day, my company's research presentation was held at a laboratory in Ibaraki prefecture.


I was entering the venue for the setup of the demonstration system the day before.


As I needed to explain the system the next day, I stayed at a local business hotel at that night.


Even after entering the business hotel, troublesome projects were included in the company's mailbox. In order to clear up the matter, I was sending phone calls and e-mails.



Finally, after clearing them, I pulled out my home PC (desktop) from the travel suitcase and began assembling the system on the desk of the hotel.


It was because my home PC was absolutely necessary to make a simulation of my hobby and to draw a drawing of a column.


The problem is "display", however, recently most business hotels has a television with digital / analog terminal for PC, and it can be used as a display.


At The hotel we stayed at this time, the TV had a terminal for PC properly. even it was small size.

ところが ――



Neither digital terminal nor analog terminal could display at all.


(To be continued)

2018-11-17 ―― 何もすることがない [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


After the opening screen of Windows was displayed, it was only a black screen that "Signal is not recognized" was displayed.


I was too saddened, who carried a mass of iron (a desktop PC at home) all day by a travel suitcase


I called the front desk, and offered to change the TV, however, I could know that my words of "VGA", "HDMI", "image accuracy"looked like falling down from the front woman's ear,



Because there was no choice, I would use my note PC to create some documents, However I noticed that I forgot the power adapter of my laptop computer at home.


The battery of the note PC was already run out in the outbound train and was completely silenced.


Although the note PC of company worked however I could only use mail and office.


―― 何もすることがない

"I have nothing to do".


This feeling was after a long time.


I have something to do at any time, and, some of them were cleaned up using a personal computer.


I have not had time to feel "free" for years.

珍しく本当に困っていました ―― が、暫くして、素晴しい名案を思いつきました。

It was rare, really troubling - but after a while I came up with a great idea.


I wonder why I did not come up with this idea soon.



On that night, I drank a strong sleep inducer, I went to bed three hours earlier than usual.

2018-11-18 ただ、「現時点の高齢者が、今の若者に対して、説教できるだけの資格があるか」とは思ってしまうのですよ。 [長年日記]


Recently I've read books of Mr. Azuma Naomi who is the original author of the movie "The detective is in Bar".


I can enjoy them because they are easy-to-read entertainment novels with many lines.


Although I have not read a novel for a long time, I realized that I could enjoy reading novels comfortably, compared to reading comics with smartphones. So I have stopped subscribing to comic magazines of smartphone.



It's a fun detective story, but it's just a bit of a scene that there are many "stupid young people"


Of course, I understand the reasons might be for structure and direction of novel or reader layer.

―― 私が知る限り、私より若い人は、基本的に私より礼儀正しく優秀

"As far as I know, younger people than me are basically more polite and cool"



Well, this is based on the range where I can confirm within my time and area. I also know that I can not be judged quantitatively as "excellent" or "inferior".


However, I think that "do the current elder people has qualifications to preach young people now?"



So, if you are a young person who warns the elderly about your behavior, I would like to tell you that "You can argue like this".


- Rebuttal against elder people in their 70s


You can say "You had thrown the flame bottle in town"


If they say "I have not done such a thing", you also say "Well then, you just looked at people who was throwing the flame bottle, without stopping it"


- Rebuttal against elder people in their 60s


You can say "you made you a company dog and you have built the foundation of the current power harassment company."


If they say "I have not done such a thing", you also say "Well, you did not help power victims, and kept silent"


- Rebuttal against elder people in their 50s


You can say "You broke your school window glass with school violence"


If they say "I have not done such a thing", you also say "Well then, you missed that such an idiot was broke"



And finally,


"What I am doing is more immoral than you ?"


You say it with your good face.

2018-11-19 『それ、一理あるよなぁ』と、私も思っていました。 [長年日記]


It is quite well known that the General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ) was planning to change the official language of Japan to "English".

―― という話を、次女にしたところ、

When I told the story to be the second daughter, she shouted,

次女:「何やってんだよGHQ! がんばれよ! どうして『英語』の公用化を諦めたんだよ!」

"What were you doing GHQ! Why not did your best? Why did you give up on" publicizing "English?"



「あのな、言語というのは、民族を規定する重要な文化の一形態であってだな、母国語を放棄することとは・・・」と、正論を語りながらも ――

"Listen to me. A language is a form of important culture that regulates ethnic groups. Even if we abandon my mother tongue ..."

While telling the justice,


I also thought that "she is reasonable".

2018-11-20 アルコール成分が入っていなくても、「冷えた炭酸の麦汁」は、それ自体、美味しいです。 [長年日記]


Last year, for the days of hard coding (programming), I refuse any alcohol at the moment because I broke my body and I have a personal "wish"


I liked to try and drink various kinds of alcoholic beverages, a new craft beer came on the shelf, I used to get it at first.


When you see them at a convenience store or supermarket, I come to feel painful naturally.


In such a case, I am leaving that corner. and purchase a large amount of non alcoholic beer at the next corner.



Recently I have learned, I prefer "carbonated wort" rather than "beer".


Even if alcohol ingredients are not contained, "cold carbonated wort" itself is delicious.


Recently, I consume half a dozen non-alcoholic beer, during the work of writing at the weekend (To be honest, the total cost is more expensive than beer).


I cannot get drink by non-alcoholic beer, I do not know when to stop drinking.


In addition, non-alcoholic beer is delicious combined with meals.


Nevertheless, there is no "non alcoholic beer" in the menu of "All you can drink" at a pub, and I have never seen "non-alcohol beer server".


If there is a "non-alcoholic world exhibition in the world", I will absolutely go.


(To be continued)

2018-11-21 だから ―― 江端が参加している飲み会には、注意した方が良いです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


After stopping drinking, I have noticed several issues.


(1)I can work after drinking party.

これ意外に「大きい」です。 飲み会の後でさえコーディングできるというのは、ちょっとしたミラクルです。

This is unexpectly significant. It is a sort of "miracle" that I can make a program after the party,


However, I don't know how many people try to make a program after drinking-party.


(2)I remember a behavior of drunken people


This is also unexpectly significant. The behavior(including abomination) of drunken people is a mine of my columns.


Before, my former boss, who insulted mentally handicapped loudly in a drinking party, was decided to be neither "boss" nor "acquaintance" by me.


Of course, it was a serious problem for him, even how he was identified by me.


だから ―― 江端が参加している飲み会には、注意した方が良いです。

So, I will give you my advice, "Don't be off your guard against Ebata"


Now I am a lonely observer with a qualification of reading steiner"

2018-11-22 ―― 「化粧が身だしなみ」であるなら、男でも毎日「化粧」をすべきだろう [長年日記]


I also sometimes think that "I was good to be born to men", "I wanted to be born to a woman".


However, these are from the viewpoint that my current "sex" is men (physical and mental) merely to the last.


So, the following is completely personal feeling (and excuse me).


In that personal feeling, I will cast a vote for "good to be born to men" from the perspective of culture "makeup".


I feel uncomfortable just by "painting sunscreen oil" in the summer.


Even so, I am very sorry for women being forced to "torture" to paint the pigment on their face everyday.


Of course, if they say that the act of "make-up" is unusual, and 100% individual's free will, I will not say anything.


However, when I hear a "Make-up is appearance (for only female)", I am irritated with it.

―― 「化粧が身だしなみ」であるなら、男でも毎日「化粧」をすべきだろう

"If "make-up is appearance", even men should also "make-up" everyday


I think that.



Before, my elder daughter got angry,


When I was a high school student, I was criticized as "to making-up", but when I become a college student I am criticized as "not making-up"



I also think "what standards moral is working in our country?"


If "make-up is appearnace", we should make "make-up class" in the moral time of elementary school.


Of course, boys should join together and practice "make-up" in pairs.


Imagining this class scene, and if you think that it is "creepy", you (and me too) should have something missed (*).

By the way, I have some hypothesis about this thesis "Reason why only women are forced to makeup". Still, it is just a hypothesis after all (extended interpretation of [hypothesis 4]).



Recently, I hear a news that women have started wearing masks for the purpose of "hiding no makers".


(The mask does not hide the whole face, so it is unknown whether "no make up" is strictly correct or not. However, I will use the "no make up" for convenience)


It will be possible to make time to use "no make up" for 3 months at the time of hay fever of early winter to early spring, and for 3 months at the time of cold in winter.


Of course, at other times, even if they use a mask, it is not strange. Because allergies (by allergens) are drifting in the air throughout years.

この「マスク戦略」の延長線上に、『ノーメーク』が日常化すれば ―― 何人かは、嬉しいと思える成人女性もいるのではないか、と思っています

On the extension of this "mask strategy", if "no maker up" becomes an everyday affair, some adult women come to happy.

―― 正直、全然分かりませんが。

To be honest, I do not understand at all.


Quite a while ago, I have critically discussed the custom of Islam which prescribes "to hide my face with black cloth for all women".


(Although it may be totally wrong) In these customs, I think that "about a few percent" of women's labor come to be easy.

―― 正直、全然分かりませんが。

To be honest, I do not understand at all.

2018-11-23 ―― もうね、なんというか、気分は「ドナドナ」 [長年日記]


Every year, I think, "annual general checkup" is a treasure trove of story.


In the first place, "annual general checkup" was a trigger of this series that I was carried to a teacher of life guidance.



Every year, I make a reservation for "annual general checkup" per birthday.


If I forget to make a reservation, I will receive a pretty persistent follow-up from the company.


Every year I went to the hospital designated by the same company, without looking through the papers this year.


To my surprise, a brand-new building for "annual general checkup" has built, and in addition, I arrived at the building before an hour and a half. (Fortunately, I could have accepted in that time).


The system of round-trip examination was considerably systematically operated, and completed within 1 hour before receiving the final interview.


"If this is the case, I can also come to office at my regular time (*)"


(*) The day of "annual general checkup" is public off.


However, it took 1 hour to interview and 30 minutes to eat. Eventually, I had to leave from the hospital every time.



When I was waiting at the chair in the waiting room for the last interview, while observing the room,


Most of the subjects of "annual general checkup" are employees of my company, so there were only middle-aged and elderly people who are neither excessively fat nor lean.


However, there were still some people, "he is a little thick".


So, I was watching those people being kidnapped ... correction, induced in a separate room, being called by a nurse.

―― もうね、なんというか、気分は「ドナドナ」

"How I should tell the scene, for example, it is "Donadna".


However, it was not "calf" that is being sold ... Well, "calf" is good.



"Health guidance" is somewhat "By Gestapo," ... No, it is cowardly to use the overseas cases.

「戦時中の特高(特別高等警察)による無政府主義者の摘発」、うん、これもほとんどの人には分からないでしょうが ――

"Detecting anarchist by extraordinary height during wartime (special high-level police)". Well, I am afraid that most people might not know this case either.


Well, considering such a thing, I was waiting for the interview.

2018-11-24 ―― 「制御システム」に携わったことのあるエンジニアに、こたえられない程の興奮を与える [長年日記]


"Ashitano Joe(Joe for tomorrow)", a masterpiece manga shows the detailed scenes of boxer's loss of weight beyond our imaginations.


"Hajime no Ippo(A first step at the beginning)", a a masterpiece manga shows the boxer's precise intelligent battles (Especially, about "energy optimal allocation" problem)


They shows not "unintelligent guts" but "sophisticated system control" that makes both human mentality and physics quantify, and

―― 「制御システム」に携わったことのあるエンジニアに、こたえられない程の興奮を与える

"they excite me beyond bearing, as a engineer who have engaged in "control system".



So, I show my respect for all athletes, especially "boxers"


I also know that many boxers are intelligent, cool and polite (and they should act the reverse because of their business).


I can not really like a boxer who damage the "respect", who do rough behavior, ignorant remarks without humility



I understand that it is nonsense to discuss both salaryman's loss of "annual general checkup" and boxer weight loss identically.


Nevertheless, when we are days before the "annual general checkup", we will make an effort as an amateur to avoid the following.(And we know it comes to be useless)

- "Donadna" as described yesterday,


- poor numerical values that are pointed out from doctors


- restraint on alcohol and nicotine



(To be continued)

2018-11-25 精進料理のような食材を使い、味が薄く、味もそこそこ ―― 基本的に、楽しくない。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Regardless of the result, we want to regain the abstinence (meals, drinking and smoking) for only a few days after immersing in the openness sense after that



So, I will return to yesterday's story of "Brand New Building for "annual general checkup".


I am quite looking forward to meal after "annual general checkup".


Of course, alcohol does not come out because it is a hospital; Nevertheless, until now, a catered lunch box with a sense of quality is offered and it was delicious.


However, from this year, it became a beautiful cafeteria restaurant with buffet style, and colorful dishes were prepared.

―― が、


精進料理のような食材を使い、味が薄く、味もそこそこ ―― 基本的に、楽しくない。

The taste is thin and reasonable using ingredients such as devoted cuisine. Basically, it is not fun.


Because it is a hospital, I do not say "get katsu-don, dumplings, curry rice, ramen", however, it is quite unsuccessful as a dish after "annual general checkup".


I felt disappointed that I felt like the "annual general checkup" still continued.



"The excursion continues until I get to my house."


is the same as


"The annual general checkup continues until I leave the hospital."


I thought I was said that.

2018-11-26 今、私は、父が丹精を込めて育て続けてきた「庭」を、片っぱしから破壊しています。 [長年日記]


Last weekend, I went to my country home.


The main purpose is to be an attendant for mother's surgery, however, I did maintenance the country home where my parents are not.


Changing clock cells, repairing a broken doorknob and blocked drain, sweeping the yard, and reboot the security system, and so on.

一つ一つの仕事は、時間をかければなんとかなるものですが、これらを全て週末に片づけようとすると、、さすがに疲れます ―― というか、最近「疲れやすくなった」ような気がします。

Each task was not severe for me, even if there is enough time, however, I tried to finish all tasks just for the weekend, and I was very tired. That means, recently, I get tired easily.


My age is for enjoying my retirement or dying a natural death in Edo period. "Fatigable" might be reasonable for me.



Now I am destroying the garden that my father had made every effort to create, one and all.


If not, the garden trees go over the site, and unweeded garden might cause a fire in winter season.


And this time, the root of the garden tree entered the sewer pipe, and the accident occurred that dirt did not flow.


I asked the to repair it, and they tried to "high pressure washing(75,000 yen)".However, they could not remove the thick roots.


They said, "No wonder when it will be broken," "There is no choice but to replace the piping," and they also said that "the construction cost will be required between 11 and 120,000 yen."


So I decided to eliminate the pine trees that are the biggest and most carefully taken care of by my father before his life in the garden trees.


They said "The roots might remain even when the tree are removed", but I decided to immediately remove the tree as soon as possible not to make the situation worse.


(To be continued)

2018-11-27 ―― 直径10cmの樹木が3秒で裁断できる [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, even if I cut down that big tree at a stroke, I have no place to put it and I can not secure my safety working.


So, I decided to take the strategy of cutting down at the end of the pine in units of 30 cm little by little (yearly).


However, if I do this with saw, it will take a long time and my fatigue will not be serious.

なにか良い方法はないかと、調べてみたら、家庭用の電気チェーンソーというものがあり ―― そんなに高くない(6500円)。

I investigate something good, and there is a household electric chain saw - not so expensive (6500 yen).


"Chainsaw", what I had only the image of it, is a special equipment of forestry workers, or a tool that "Jason" cuts a person on Friday,



I immediately went to a nearby DIY shop and bought an electric chain saw and tried it,

―― 直径10cmの樹木が3秒で裁断できる

"Trees of diameter 10 cm can be cut in 3 seconds"


This feeling is "to cut tofu".


It seems like a miracle because it took 20 minutes (including breaks) so far.



This time, since I bought a chain saw just before I got home, I could not get enough time. However during this year-end and New Year holidays,


"Erase the masterpiece of my father's life at all"


It seems to be busy with the works.

2018-11-28 ―― 女子高校生が、完全にサラリーマン化している [長年日記]


For students, a "regular exam" always makes them blue.


So after the regular exam, I can understand that they want to do a jolly events.


When I was also a student, I enjoyed something ... ? I could not remember them.


During my campus life, I could remember them (especially "skiing"). However I had no recollection before college student.


I think that I had no one to play with before high school in my high school days.


Set it aside.



The second daughter's event, after the cultural festival and the regular exam, basically seems to be "karaoke".


They continue singing for several hours or more.


After that, they go to a restaurant for all-you-can-eat.

―― 女子高校生が、完全にサラリーマン化している

"Girls' high school students come to be fully salaried workers"


To me, it looks like that.


Recently, by young people who have stopped consuming alcohol as well as tobacco, salaried workers are going out of drinking party.


Along with that, sales of pubs, snacks and bars seem to be falling.


Recent girls' high school students seem to support a part of this sales.



In other words,


"Girls' High School Student become Uncle"


"Middle-aged people will retreat"


It seems that not only the aging society but also the "spiritual aging" are progressing now.

2018-11-29 つまり、どんな組織であれ、多かれ少かれ、内容の差こそあれ、このような、「根拠なき選民思想」を持つ"低能"は存在するのです。 [長年日記]


"Mid-to-high consistency" refers to the school where junior high school and high school are located.


I do not know whether there are five consecutive schools "kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, university, consistent", but I know three consecutive schools.


In our house, the eldest daughters were "two consecutive" and the second daughter is "three consecutive".


In such a school system, there are categories (not to mention hierarchy) of "inner student" and "external student"

―― と、娘たちが言っていました。

I heard the story from my two daughters.



For example, in a school of "Mid-to-high consistency", students who entered in a junior high school entrance examined "inner student", and students enrolled in high school entrance are "outside students".


And according to daughter's story, the internal students seem to show a superior attitude towards the external students.


Also, according to my wife's story, there seems to be a guardian who speaks discriminatingly, such as."when the outside students come to school, the atmosphere of the school is a bit disarranged ..."


Even if this "superiority" is made, even if this "discrimination" is made, I can assert that they are "underdog" and "foolishness".


However, such consciousness is not unusual.



Even at the neighborhood association, there are indigenous inhabitants claiming vested interests. For example. they see new town members who came in after the development of housing land were handled as "strangers", and they will not move the current town operation method at all and try to maintain inefficient high cost operation.


If it is a company, some people discriminate against bluntly mid-career employees. Even a part-time job seems to have some faith that believes that senior citizens can order newcomers.


In other words, any organization, although there is a difference in content, more or less, some "low-powered" with "unfounded electoral thought" exist.


(To be continued)

2018-11-30 『いいか、大学受験を経て入学してくる外部生は、お前たちが想像もつかない程、優秀なんだぞ!』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


"Unfounded electoral thought" like this, come to be established easily


For example, if you have three undesirable persons for you and if the three persons are all "external students", you can easily decide that all "external students" are undesirable persons.

下手すると、"3人"もいらない ―― たった"1人"だけで、その1人の属するカテゴリー全部を、嫌悪の対象にするということは、珍らしいことではないと思います。

In the worst case, even if only one undesirable person, you might decide that all "external students" are undesirable persons.I think that this is not rare case.



My "electoral thought" is irrelevant to organizations.


- I will choose "people" who will benefit me and I will throw out "people" that will be my disadvantage.


- I will choose "people" who will make me happy and I will throw out "people" that will make me uncomfortable.


-I choose "people" who understand my idea, and throw out "people" who can not understand my idea.


I can choose or throw away people without hesitation.


And, I have repeated it many times,

「人」を憎んで「人」を憎み倒す ―― これが私の基本ポリシーです。

I hate 'people' and hate and hate 'people' - this is my basic policy.


Expanding the object of hatred and retaliation to organizations, ethnic groups, religion and thought,

弱くて、勉強不足で、きちんと調べる手間暇すらも行わない怠け者で、卑怯者であるとすら ―― 私は思います。

I think that such a person is weak, lazy, lack of study, and coward.


ちなみに、私の出身大学でも、外部生に「根拠なき選民思想」 ―― というよりも内部生に「根拠なき卑下」があったような気がします。

By the way, even at my home university, external students don't have "unfounded electoral thought" but inner students seemed to rather have "unfounded humility thought".


I had investigated the reason and I knew a "brain washing" of their high school teachers.



"Listen! the external student who pass an entrance exam, are extremal excellence beyond your imagination"


"Study hard now ! or you will get the raspberry in the college!"



The teachers enforce study to the students with malicious pressures.


Well I think that malicious pressures might have been effected.


At least, in the seminar of engineering department that I had joined, the inner students were excellence beyond my imagination"