
2019-04-01 「アニメ」であれ「実写化」であれ、それぞれが、多くの人の思いと労力の込められた独立した作品です。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


After the play, I exchanged impressions with my family. When I said


Ebata:"Hiroin's character was overstressed"



However, my wife and daughter claimed strongly that


"No way. I would be rather "weak". It was a restrained play"



"The bulky two-volume work has been packed in the two hours playing"


They praised the scenario of playing.

As I recall, I remember that I had same impression about "Golden Slumber" two years back.



How to enjoy "secondary works" is case-by-case. "read it before" is good for someone, or "read it after" is good for others


Bursting into the talk about animation, in this quarter, I have not read the original work of "Miss Kaguya the love war" and "promised never-land" I wrote before.


Especially, "promised never-land" was an amazing master-piece animation I have never seen (Congratulations for the second season)


On the other hand, some readers seem to complain the animation of "promised never-land".


However, since I have not read them at all, I could enjoy the animation with unspeakable impressions.



Whichever it is "read it before" or "read it after", both an original work and a secondary work are full-fledged works(However, there is a relation between master and servant of copyright)。


Whether it is an animation or an live-action, each of work has many people's efforts and times speculatively.


Needless to say there is no problem to criticize the works.


However, for a person who agitates for anti-live action about "second works" (especially in animation → live-action), which have not been completed yet,


I give up my effort to know that person, and I have decided to just say to them



2019-04-02 ―― 一年の元旦を、0月0日にする [長年日記]


The new era of Japan has been announced.

「Reiwa なのか Leiwa なのか」という疑問は、全くありませんでした。

For me, there was no question, "Reiwa or Leiwa?"

―― "L"はない

I know that "L" is out of scope.



In programming, "L" is pretty hard to recognize.


If "l" is written in lower case, it looks like "1" and also looks like half-width characters of "|".

ですので、for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)のように、i,k,m,n,pなどは使われますが、"l"を単変数として使ったプログラムは滅多にお目にかかれません。

So, i, k, m, n, p, etc. are used like "for (int i = 0; i <9; i ++)", but programs using "l" variable ,as a single, is rare to be seen.


Even in sentences,


It is easy to confuse even capital "L" with "「" and "」" .


In both official documents and private documents, the era number notation starting with "L" will cause confusion.



By the way, it is no reason that most of IT engineers have a desire to use "Reiwa 0", "R-0" as the first year of "Reiwa".


In the programming world, it is customary to count from "0", and in fact it is easy to calculate.


For example, array a [10] can contain up to a [0], a [1] ... a [9], but if trying to put a [10], it will result in an error or bug.


It is very difficult to explain this "feel" to non-programmers.


For example, it is uncomfortable that the 21st century started not from the year 2000 but 2001.


or, it is disgust that AC1 and BC1 are consecutive years

が ・・・と、言っても多分分かって貰えないでしょう。

However, most people will not understand it.



Yes. I also know that you can not understand it.


For example, if the government announces that

―― 一年の元旦を、0月0日にする

"the New Year's Day will be 0 day in 0 month "


Without doubt, the Japanese government will be overturned be people.


I think that three hours will be enough.


And we can be witnesses of the world's shortest time of the coup.

2019-04-03 「女性が、牛丼屋や立ち食いソバ屋に入りにくい」というのは、よく聞く話ですし、実際、店で、客層を見れば明らかな事実でもあります。 [長年日記]


The other day the second daughter said, "I ate the Yoshinoya beef bowl alone."


There are several anecdotes about Yoshinoya's beef bowl in the Ebata family.


About Yoshinoya's beef bowl,


- My wife said, "I cannot taste beef"


- When my eldest daughter was an infant, she said, "Rice (white rice) is bad",


- I argue that "the Yoshinoya's beef bowl" should be considered separately from "beef bowl"


I think in the future, I will not go to the Yoshinoya with my whole family.


That aside.



"It is hard for women to get into a beef-donkey shop or a standing buckwheat shop" is a famous talk. And it is clear when looking at the customers in the shop.


However, the second daughter who is now a high school student, seems to be using one of those restaurants.


Still, she seems to choose one where school friends are unlikely to be nearby.


Ebata: "Are you ashamed to be seen by a friend?"


Second daughter: "I think that it is the answer that you reach to the thought"


(To be continued)

2019-04-04 しかし、牛丼屋や立ち食いソバ屋で食事をすることは、「珍しい」ですが、「不道徳(インモラル)」ではありません ―― 当たり前ですが。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


I think it has increased considerably compared to the past, however, the view that high school girls are in such places is still "unusual."


And we tend to avoid being considered "rare."


Because we know well that "inconspicuous" is an advantage to live.


By the way, "the best policy is to keep your head down" is not a proverb in me, but a law of nature.


しかし、牛丼屋や立ち食いソバ屋で食事をすることは、「珍しい」ですが、「不道徳(インモラル)」ではありません ―― 当たり前ですが。

However, eating at a beef restaurant or a standing buckwheat noodle is "unusual," but it is not "immoral." It is natural.


As a researcher, I have a feeling that I would like to verify this problem, in a social experiment of "Yoshinoya for women only" or "Standing buckwheat noodle shop with women's day of the week".


In addition, I am interested in the customer attraction rate when the condition of "no companion with a friend" or "only one visitor" is attached.



Everyone at the fast food management team.


How about these social experiments as digging up potential customers?

2019-04-05 ―― 私を逆さにして振っても、絶対出てこない考え方だ [長年日記]


Since elementary school, I have been a boy who loves "one person while reading".


Still, when Saturday was the school attendance date, there was no lunch on Saturday, I could go home afternoon.


My parents used to work together, so I cooked myself since elementary school.

1週間に1度だけ、自分の好きな料理を、自分の好きなように「アレンジ」し、かつ、自分が望むままに「手を抜く」 ―― このような「実験的」料理は、それなりに面白いものでした。

Once a week, I "arranged" your favorite food as I liked, and "cut corners" as I wished. Such "experimental" dishes were quite interesting for me.


And it was a pleasure to read the paperback while eating the food.


I don't remember the reason that I loved eating a meal, while reading the book of Inoue Yasushi-sensei.



I am reading a novel of "The God of Slow Heights" from my wife now.


I remember an old event, when reading a scene of a female painter.


When I used to go to art museums with a girl in the old days (this is generally called a date), she said to me,


"I may get stuck for 10 minutes in front of a picture, but please leave me alone for a while"



I'm not an expert in art, but I could understood "the feeling" well, I accepted her wish naturally.


We were fascinated by each favorite picture, and met each other around the exit at about the same time.



Yesterday I heard on the train that a young man was talking to a friend.


"If you get transferred, I might die without friends"

と喋っていました ―― 勿論、話を盛っているとは思うのですが。

I know that he was exaggerating,


however, I also thought

―― 私を逆さにして振っても、絶対出てこない考え方だ

"It is an idea that I can not do absolutely"


2019-04-06 ―― 10連休で人生を変える。AIエンジニアになろう。 [長年日記]

―― 10連休で人生を変える。AIエンジニアになろう。

"Change your life for 10 consecutive holidays. It will make you an AI engineer"


I saw the ad.


I have been serializing "technology that is reworded as" AI "for two years.


However, even I, do not know what kind of job "AI engineer", and above all, I doubt whether such a job type exists.


At least to embody AI technology, you have already got the following all technologies.


- ability to speculate down formulas into programs, code, debug and evaluate


- ability for database schema design, construction, create SQL statement


- ability to grasp used memory space, and sense of scale of combination explosion


- sense of creating a viewer that visualizes the learning process



In my case, I think that "three years" was necessary to obtain each of the above processes.


It can be asserted that it was impossible in "10 days".


Even if it is not programming, but spreadsheet like Excel, honestly, I think that it is a "laughing" and a "jumping" thing that people say the word "AI" without performing variance, standard deviation, regression analysis.


(To be continued)

2019-04-07 そもそも、私は、「AIエンジニア」という職種は存在しないと思っています。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)

To begin with, I don't think the job description of"AI engineer" exists.


In addition, I confirm that it is a paradoxical prove that persons who don't feel unpleasant sensation or sense of discomfort don't understand "what AI is" at all.



Last night, I worked for


- inventing a method to reduce 160 billion "states" to 84 million "states",


- linking the dynamically expanded "states" in the memory space, huge pointers with C/C ++ language


- implementing a reverse reward routine for Q-Learning learning, and completing simple debugging,


I could not sleep well last night by the code running wild in my mind,

『―― 10連休で人生を変える。AIエンジニアになろう』

"Change your life for 10 consecutive holidays. It will make you an AI engineer"


I feel the biggest "scammerous odor" in the above ad phrase.


しかし ―― です。


もし、『―― 10連休で人生を変える。AIエンジニアになろう』が現実のものであるなら、これは、技術革命といっても過言ではない、世紀の大発明です。

if the phrase of "Change your life for 10 consecutive holidays. It will make you an AI engineer" is true, this is a great invention of the century, not to say the technological revolution.


I have no choice but to apologize and submit my head for the great invention of this century.


So, let me suggest one propose from me.


Could you invite me to the event (training etc.) as a reviewer, if you work for an event company ?

技術ライターとして、私、イベントの記事を執筆します ―― 勿論、「無料」で書かせて頂きます。

As a technical writer, I write an event article-of course. of course, it is "free of charge".


Thank you for your consideration.

2019-04-08 「はあ、『オリンピック』を少々・・・」 [長年日記]


In a job-interview, the conversation of


"What kind of technology Have you ever worked for?"


"Well. I have worked for "AI""




In a marriage meeting, the conversation of


"What sport have you been doing at the weekend? "


"Well. I enjoy doing "Olympic""


are basically same as degree of stupidity.



Anyway, in either case, you are looked down as an "useless guy", and


got a message of "it was not meant to be, this time" from the other side.

2019-04-09 要するに『「欲望による快楽」は、適度な「制約」を伴わなければ成立しない』という、実例だと思います。 [長年日記]


When I was looking at the anime "High Score Girl", I remembered an optional tour of the conference I participated in before.


Academic meetings are usually held for about a week.


Around the middle of the period, events such as dinner parties are included (the entry fee is often included in the dues).


Formerly at a conference in the United States, I participated in the event of

―― アミューズメントセンターの全部を貸し切る

""Lending the entire amusement center"



It was an event that we could play all the game consoles of the amusement center freely for free, however, I remember that I was not bored.


This may be because I have no "game attributes", but other attendees also seemed to be missing



Before I have heard that story that an popular artists "bought a whole toy store and gave it to his son"


After that, the child seems to be out of play with toys.



When I was a student, high-spec PCs were competing at the seminar laboratory.

当時、パソコンは高価で、ゼミ生全員で共有して使用する必要があったため、一定時間(例えば2時間)で、使用者を交代するなどの措置が取られるか ―― あるいは、夜中に占拠するしかありませんでした。

At that time, personal computers were expensive, so we had to share them and used by all seminar students and replace the user for a fixed time (for example 2 hours). Or I had to occupy in the middle of the night.


So, I did a part-time job like crazy every day, and bought a laptop computer that weighs 9 kg, which costs 860,000 yen. I was carrying it on a motorcycle every day.


At that time, it was the only way to occupy computer resources.

However, now, the 5,000 yen portable computer (eg, Raspberry Pi) has more performance than the computing power of the university computing center at that time.


n this way, we lost the motivation to compete for computer resources.



In short, I think these are examples that "pleasure due to desire" can not be achieved without a "moderate" constraint.

2019-04-10 でも、昔の記憶って「美化(?)」されるじゃないですか。 [長年日記]


Yesterday, I wrote "when I was a college student, I bought a laptop computer that weighs 9 kg, which costs 860,000 yen".


But I guess the old memories are "beautified".


I checked it again, if I may have misunderstood old memories.

It was perfectly correct.

最大ユーザーズメモリ  : 4.6MB (単位に注意)

標準実装ドライブ  HDD  :40MB (単位に注意)

Maximum user's memory: 4.6MB

Standard mounting drive HDD: 40MB

I remembered the appearance and I almost got tears.


MS-DOSというOSの上で、Turbo PASCALという言語を使っていました。

The language of Turbo PASCAL was used on MS-DOS OS.


Without creating an executable file, I was able to execute with "F5" suddenly.


I thought that the program was all that sort of thing, so I couldn't understand the concept of compile, and I was troubled.


Also, I remember that I could not scale the program because the memory was punctured with the array of [72] [5], and I tried various ideas.



I think it is a little lonely, no matter how I devise, it will not be a story like "High Score Girl".

2019-04-11 常々思っているのですが、なぜ「心理学」が文系なのか、私にはよく分かりません。 [長年日記]


Now in the cool, the animation of "we are not good at studying" has started.


One of the heroines of this anime, is a genius mathematical girl who has hopeless sense in literary relations.


She wants a 'psychology' major, and she had to improve her liberal arts in order to pass the university,


It seems that this is an animation that depicts heroines whose “talents” and “what she want to do”are completely different.


I hope that this animation will entertain me, because the settings are interesting.



I always think, but I do not understand why "psychology" is a liberal art.


My eldest daughter also majors in "psychology" at university, but psychology requires statistical and probability methods by all means.


In fact, I often see my eldest daughter study hard in statistics.


In addition, "psychology" has tight relationship with medicine, praxiology, philology, and especially information science in recent years.


Bayes estimation, enhanced learning and neural network from the view of brain science are also included in this field.


"Psychology" is a study that needs the repeat action from hypothesis, experiment to verification. The study like this, is called "science"


So I believe that "Psychology" is a science subject exactly.


(To be continued)

2019-04-12 ですから、文系とか理系とかという枠組み、もう必要ないんじゃないかなーと思うのです。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, from the viewpoint, "economics" and "commerce" should be science subjects absolutely.


"Nomology" is also included in science subjects, because this study needs the assemble of logics through an accumulation of judicial precedents.


Thinking the technology of machine translation, I think "language" and "literature" are also science even if using strong-arm methods.



So I sometimes think that we do not need the frameworks of literature and science.


Each faculty may decide the subjects of the exam from the view of their necessary subjects in the education process.

で、こういう風に、学問の枠組みが崩れていく理由は、やっぱり、ここ30年間ほど、情報技術(Information Technology(IT))が幅を効かせているからかなぁ、とか考えています。

This is just my opinion, but IT(Information Technology) should have a responsibility to the reason of collapsing frameworks.



I think that many people think the same.


Especially, for teachers of 'psychology' department, I am afraid that teaching "statistics" from scratch is very hard.


If the students have already learned the knowledge and method of "statistics" in high school program, that will make them easier.



However, I think that the reason why we cannot realize it, is "it will confuse the front of high school education"

また「高校 = 大学の予備校」という非難を免れない、という点もあるとは思います。

Or, the front will be accused of the blame of "high school is not prep-school for college".


Above all, the purpose of high school is not a method to pass a college, but to get comprehensive higher learning.


In the way, we cannot against the logic that even the division between literature and science is out of the philosophy.



So, I think that the present thought of the framework is a "result of the compromise".


Therefore, the setting of the anime "we are not good at studying" has been established.

2019-04-13 ここ一年間ほどの大臣の失言の発生間隔(×失言の内容)を調べてみますと、妙な既視感を覚えるのです。 [長年日記]

I mentioned here the "maximum anxiety" for a certain minister before.


The other day, I heard the news that he was resigned (de facto "recall") in "the biggest slip of the tongue", and honestly speaking, I was relieved. However, at the same time, there were other concerns.


When I checked the interval of the minister's slip of the tongue(×content) for about a year, I notied a strange sense of sight.



When people make mistakes, they will be careful not to make the same mistakes.


This is called "learning ability".


Dementia is a disease that this learning function doesn't work well.


The patients repeat the same mistakes, by losing the memory of the previous failure.


And it is also a feature that the interval gets shorter and shorter.


In addition, there is a statement of "absolutely wrong" in the world.


Dementia is a disease that can not recognize the external world, and its ability to deter such speech does not work either.


As you know, I have been watching father and mother dementia for a long time.


And whenever I look at the history of this "former minister" 's disbelief, it seems to be very similar to the symptoms of father and mother.



Here, I would like to propose.


(1)Diagnosis of objective dementia about "former minister",




(2)Return to Ministerial Position, after publicly disclosing it and sufficient deliberation.



(To be continued)

2019-04-14 ―― 課題先進国(少子化、非婚化、高齢化)である我が国を、世界中が見守っています。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Of course, it is necessary to carefully judge whether or not public services are possible in the state of suffering from dementia, and I also understand that it is a major project related to national interests as well.

However, as mentioned here, dementia is a 100% inevitable disease.


Therefore, we must create a society that coexists with dementia.

この時、認知症の人間を問答無用に、社会の仕組みの外に放り出すのか、あるいは、一定のルールの元で社会に組み入れていくのか ――

Now, should we throw out people with dementia without question, or incorporate into society under certain rules?

―― 課題先進国(少子化、非婚化、高齢化)である我が国を、世界中が見守っています。

"The world is watching over Japan, which has many advanced problems (low birthrate, non-maritalization, aging)."



However, I think that expanding the story of such assumptions under the unclear circumstances whether the former minister has dementia.


However, I would like to allow him to use this case as a use case for raising questions based on one assumption.


Because, if the head of government shows the attitude to tackle this problem, it will be a great appeal not only to Japan but also to the world.


I am convinced that it will be a big "hope" for not only Japan but the whole world, even if there are enormous misstep of him.



I know that dementia is "a disease that will give huge burdens around the patient", however, I do not think that "it is a shameful disease."

繰り返しますが、私達は、生きている限り ―― 程度の差こそあれ ―― 認知症から逃れることはできません。

Again, as long as we live, we can not escape from dementia.


Coexistence with dementia is a difficult social issue.


However, at least, there is no reason that dementia is "shameful" and there should be no such bias.

2019-04-15 私に、この試みを完全に諦めさせたのは、『警察署からの電話』でした。 [長年日記]

For this two years, I wrote the story that I have been trying to install IT services in the neighborhood association(NA) and failing the trials.


The reason I gave up the trials perfectly, is "a call from the Police Station(PS)".



I have worked as a press officer, so I had to exchange communications with many people.


However I don't like a telephone conversation because interrupting my time selfishly, so I always ask others to use e-mails.


The other day, a member of NA raised an objection not to get a mail from me.


I gave an advice that "try to change a part of your mail filter, and come to get the mail"


After that, he went to the branch office and asked to be changed.


There was no problem at that time.



I misunderstood the skill of a teller of branch office.


The recent their skills are on a low level incredibly


I was afraid that they didn't know the thought "white lists".


As a result, a huge amount of spam email has come to the person's smartphone.


(To be continued)

2019-04-16 ―― 私がITの施策を続ければ、これからもこういう面倒ごとに巻き込まれ続けることになるんだろうなぁ [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The person who received such a large amount of e-mails (possibly including e-mails other than Japanese ones) was completely scared and jumped into the police station.

で、警察は、その経緯を聞いて、今回の事件のきっかけとなった私に連絡を取った、―― とまあ、こういうことのようでした。

So, the police heard about the situation and contacted me who triggered the case, --- Well, it was the reason.


However, even people at the police station seem to understand that it is "spam mail" when looking at the contents of the mail.


By the way, I had experienced that in particular, low IT literacy for police personnel among government agencies.

When I went to the police station about internet fraud, the person in charge said, "I have never used Internet mail order."


I remember that I dropped my shoulder saying "this (the police station) is completely useless for cybercrime."



About this matter, I advised the person at the police station what the person should advise, and This matter was over.


I thought that this incident, in a sense, happened to happen.


But honestly

―― 私がITの施策を続ければ、これからもこういう面倒ごとに巻き込まれ続けることになるんだろうなぁ

"I will continue to be involved in such troubles from now on if I continue IT measures"


I felt sick.


"I worked hard enough"



『もう知らん』―― とも。

"I don’t care any more"


At this time, I decided to completely withdraw from IT support for the neighborhood association members.

2019-04-17 『江端という変なライターが動いているようだ。こいつをつかって、我が社のメッセージを、世間に伝られるだろうか』 [長年日記]

Before, in this serialization column, "human injury series" continued for nearly a year.


In the series, I contacted each company of Tokyo Private Railway (about 6 major companies) and asked for an interview.


The condition presented here is


- I do not disclose company name


- I would like to interview a person who is working in the field


- The manuscript will be checked by the company and will not be altered afterwards




The aim of this interview is following two.


(1) Checking the contents of the column Ebata wrote


My source materials were (A) data requested to be disclosed to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, (B) books, and (C) the Internet information only, and there is no "raw voice".


So I wanted to get a review about the content.


(2) Gathering information on "personal injury" I do not know


After all, I have never been more than "a victim of a train delayed by personal injury."


I could only guess about procedure and intention of person performing accident processing (including the system).


So I wanted to hear your opinion from a different point of view.



The reply "we want to decline" returned by email or phone.

―― まあ、そういうことになるだろうなぁ

"Well, it is natural"


I think.


Rail companies do not have any benefits to gain by responding to my interview.


Rather, it can be said that there was only a disadvantage.



"It seems that a strange writer whose name is Ebata is moving. Can we use him to convey our message to the world? "


And I hoped that there was only one railway company that could be considered that way.


Well, it could not be helped.

2019-04-18 『♪ 自由に生きていく方法なんて、1通りだってないさ~ 』 [長年日記]

The other day I mentioned a little about Q-Learnings reinforcement learning program.


I am running the program for 24 hours, after finding a way to reduce the 160 billion "states" to 84 million states and furthermore, reducing it to 65535 for testing now,



When I examined the state of the object under learning in the simulation, it was only

―― 482個




In other words,

0.735% の状態にしか至っていなかったのです。

it had reached only 0.735%.



This was a great shock to me.


Currently, my object in the program is able to complete one trial in less than 2 seconds, so 40,000 trials have been completed.


As the object had about 12,000 state mutations in one trial, it should have repeated over 500 million state changes so far.


My object should have been trying out a number of states more than the small number "65535".


If you know Q learning, you might think, "It will be the result of learning convergence," however, In this case, I set the random number selectivity to 90%, so the "convergence" was not a reason.



By the way,

『♪ 自由に生きていく方法なんて、100通りだってあるさ~ (*)』

"There are 100 ways to live freely ... (*)"


(*) "Feel the wind" / Shogo Hamada


I was a junior high school student when the song was being played in a cup noodle commercial.


Even then, I said


"Don't say stupid!"


"Try to write just ten ways down!"


as a trickster, in a slightly different direction against others.



In this reinforcement learning program with Q-Learning, what I found again is


(1)Hamada Shogo-san talks about the state space of life ("65535" street said here)




He completely ignores the notion of positional constraints or temporal constraints in state transitions



This time, my object I created was allowed 500 million free actions without restrictions.


However, it did not reach the state of only 500.



From this viewpoint, Hamada Shogo-san should have sung

『♪ 自由に生きていく方法なんて、1通りだってないさ~ 』

"There is no way to live freely ..."


and, it was the absolute correct message for teenagers.


As a matter of fact, I think the results of this program are in line with the real-world situation.

2019-04-19 その時、『ちょっと勿体ないかな』とは思いました。 [長年日記]


It seems that both of my daughters have been to Koshien.

―― 自分の高校の野球部の応援の為に

"For the support of their baseball club"



To be honest, I do not remember so clearly.


All I remember is talking with my wife.


Wife: "Now, she is in Koshien Stadium."


Ebata: "Why?"


Wife: "To support for the baseball club"


Ebata: "Hmmm"



At that time, I thought "it is mottainai(wasteful)".


If I am interested in high school baseball, I could enjoy this situation (the baseball club of the school where your children attend has participated in Koshien).


In addition, in order to enjoy this situation to the fullest, I might have done various things (such as going to the Koshien Stadium to see the support).


However, unfortunately, the daughter's father is not interested in high school baseball (especially at Koshien Stadium).

「高校野球甲子園大会」という国民的なイベントに、これほど近いところにいながら、その父親は、そのもっとも遠いところにいる ――

While being so close to a national event called "High School Baseball Koshien Tournament," the father is far from the event.


This can be said to be a "mottainai" situation.

Well, about the story here, I've introduced you to a lot of painful stories, I would like to refrain from repeating the same story.



I think "high school baseball Koshien tournament" is an easy-to-understand symbol.


I think this easy to understand is honestly enviable.


For example, both


- The impression that “Transient phenomenon simulation of nonlinear elements (transistors)”, which was successful only for the first time I was born


- The impression that a certain high school student will be a "full pitch victory pitcher at the Koshien tournament"


are basically same, I think.


However, I know that it will be terribly difficult for even a few people to understand and share my emotions.

2019-04-20 江端:「というように、『みんなが幸せになること』に潜む矛盾の中でも、特に分かりやすい事例を、一通り網羅的に教えてくれる、大変お得なアニメが『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』だ」 [長年日記]


Senior daughter(SD): "How can I become interested in social issues like you ?"

Ebata: "If you watch the animation " PSYCHO-PASS Psycho-Pass ", I think that the basic ideas about social issues can be covered in general."


SD: "Is that so?"


Ebata: "Hmm, let me think. For example, what do you think is the ultimate goal of society? "


SD: "If I think normally, I think that "everyone will be happy""


Ebata:"Firstly we forget the contents of" happiness "in "everyone will be happy," let us think "what about the "approach that makes everyone happy"? For example, How do you think that the world that can achieve "happy" with minimum effort?"


SD: "I think it's correct."


Ebata: "Can I accept the existence of something that surely shows the "happiness" approach to the shortest distance?"


SD: "I can"


Ebata: "Do you think it is the realization of "everyone will be happy," which is derived from the super-high-level calculator without your trial and error by yourself or trying the possibilities ?"


SD: "I think so"


Ebata: "Well, From the point of view that "everyone will be happy", which one do you think should choose (A) A society where 99 people become 100% happy at the expense of one, or (B)A society where 100 people can only achieve 50% happiness without sacrificing anyone.


SD: "Hmm ..."


Ebata: "A super-high-level calculator can mathematically calculate that a human will become a criminal as a" 90% or more possibility. Of course, the result has absolutely no mistake. In such a case, do you think it would be right to isolate that person from society just by the possibility of so-called "crime reserves"? "


SD: "....Let me think for a moment"

江端:「というように、『みんなが幸せになること』に潜む矛盾の中でも、特に分かりやすい事例を、一通り網羅的に教えてくれる、大変お得なアニメが『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』だ」

Ebata:""PSYCHO-PASS" is very reasonable animation, that give us easy several examples of contradictions hidden in "everyone will be happy"


SD: "..."


Ebata: "If you want to see, I will prepare."


(To be continued)

2019-04-21 私の場合、本からの知識を取得する場合、原書に一切拘ず、解説本やマンガがあれば、それを何冊でもバカスカ読み倒します。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


Yesterday, I talked that the anime "PSYCHO-PASS" is a good link to social interests.


However, the original (of course, it is a translated book) is basically difficult and boring.


In my case, when I try to acquire knowledge from books, I don't insist on trying the original and I will read down any number of commentary books and manga.


This is the rule of thumb that I have reached in my previous study of programming languages.

プログラミング言語は、20行以内のプログラムを、50個くらい自分で打ち込めば、大体のことは理解できる ―― これは、80:20の法則(パレートの法則)と同じ話です。

In order to know the a programming language, I try to copy 50 programs within 20 lines. This is the same story as the 80:20 law (Pareto's law).


"If I can understand 20% of the programming language, then 80% of what I want to do with that program can be implemented."


The same is true for "column writing".


At the deadline of the column every month, I do not have time to read the whole original book to cite the literature.


After all, I can not expect to understand 100% of the author's intention with my poor head. At the very least, I can say, "it's much better than sticking with the original book and get frustrated."


That aside



I searched for books related to "society", in "PSYCHO-PASS",


- George Orwell: "1984"


→ I read this completely many times. This is a work as my mental support when researching a video surveillance system (I reject any objection.)


- Jacques Rousseau: "The theory of human inequality"


-> I read textbooks in the high school ethics society


- Philip K. Dick: "Does Android have a dream of electric sheep? "


-> I watched it in the movie "Blade Runner"


- Ortega "Republic of the Mass"


-> Now ordering


- Jonathan Swift: "Gulliver's Travels"

→ 小学生のころ、原本を何度も繰り返し読んだ。この時、「不死」という恐怖が擦り込まれたような気がする

-> When I was in elementary school, I read the originals over and over again. At this time, I felt that I could know the fear of "immortality".


- Unknown author: "New Testament"

→ 真面目に全部を読んだことはないが、かなり頻繁に、読んだと思う。少くとも、映画「ダビンチコード」を楽しめる程度には、知っている。

-> I have not read it all seriously, but I think that I read it quite often. At least I know the contents to enjoy the movie "Da Vinci Code".


- Marcel Proust: "In Search of Lost Time"


-> Too long. Maybe I will not read in the future.


- Max Weber: "Power and Control"


-> At present, there is no handy manual, so I have no plan to read it.


- Michel Foucault: "The Birth of a Prison"


-> At present, there is no handy manual, so I have no plan to read it.


- Stendhal:"Red and Black"


-> I read it to the end, but I did not understand the meaning, so I didn't have the impression.


It is not a direct quote, but the tone that flows throughout is like this book.


- Frankl: "Night and Fog"


-> I read and read it again and again.



Today, I ordered some books from Amazon and the city-library.

2019-04-22 ―― "FIRE 7"は、Amazon専用の買い物デバイス [長年日記]

今週末は、Amazonが販売している"FIRE 7"の「改造」をしていました。

Last weekend, I remodeled "FIRE 7" that Amazon.com has sold.


My wife said "I want to show games, movies and music to my hospitalized mother", and I started to install PAD.


As it is used in the hospital, we decided to use it, to pack contents into pad, and update them regularly, under no communication environments.

そこで、、格安padである"FIRE 7"が候補としてピックアップされるに至ったのですが ―― 格安である理由が分かりました。

So I came to choose "FIRE 7" low in price, and at the same time, I knew the reason of "inexpensive".

―― "FIRE 7"は、Amazon専用の買い物デバイス

" "FIRE 7" is a dedicated device for Amazon.com".



私、"FIRE 7"をAndroidの端末の一つであると思っていたのですが、そうでないことに気がつきました。GoogleのWebブラウザ(chromo)がインストールできなかったからです。

At the beginning, I thought that "FIRE 7" is one of the Android terminal, I knew I was wrong. Because I could not install Google Web browser(chromo).


Of course, I checked several Web site, and finally I could install it.


I was in trouble that I could not erase icons and application of Amazon purchase portals.(I tried to put them into a folder).


I cut and tried how to install contents from my PC.(The information is few and not friendly advise)


これらを、突破してしまえば、非常に良いpadであると言えますが ―― ここを突破するまでが、結構なコストになった、とは思いました。

After the above, I could feel that "FIRE 7" is a better pad. However, the effort to come into this environment was too expensive.

それでも、『iPhoneの設定よりは、ラクだった』です ―― 私には。

For me, I felt easier than iPhone setting.



Next, I have to get the contents of "Winter Sonata"

2019-04-23 つまるところ、私のロジカルとは、この程度の事案に耐えられない程、軟弱なものなのです。 [長年日記]

私は、感情を排して、数字に基づく論理的な思考ができる人間である ―― とは思っていません。

I do not think that I am a human being who is able to get rid of emotions and perform logical thinking based on numbers.


The following is one of the examples


Daughter: "My friend's mother is lamenting that my friend is piercing."

江端:「同じ年の友人なんだろう? ピアスなんぞ、今時、別に珍しくもないだろうし ・・・そのお母さんは、古い保守的な思想を持っている人か?」

Ebata: "Are you a friend of the same age? Piercings, now, will not be unusual. Does the mother have an old and conservative thought?


Daughter: "The problem is the place where she is piercing."


Ebata: "Well, 'Kippiru Pierce?'"


Daughter: "Other than that"


Ebata: "What?"


Daughter: "Tongue piercing"


Ebata: "I'm sorry. Now, in a moment, I could understand how the mother felt"


―― 舌にピアスなんぞしたら、不衛生だし、第一、飯が不味くなるだろうーーー!

"If you pierce the tongue, it will be unsanitary, and it will make your dishes poor, firstly !"


It is me that has been criticized so far, in spite of "I have not tried "Tongue piercing" by myself"


After all, my logicalness is, too weak to withstand this sort of incident.



This kind of problem is an issue that solves in time and number, after all.

例えば、大学生の半分が、『舌(した)ピアス』をファッションとする日常が登場すれば、だれもが、それに対して批判しなくなります ―― というか、感じなくなります。

For example, if half of the university students come up with "tongue piercing" in fashion, everyone will not criticize it. Or everyone will not feel it.

This is the same as the "Google Street View" story that I have mentioned many times.


That's because we can not explain logically that "ear piercing" is OK and "tongue piercing" is NG.

そして、論理的に説明できないものは、基本的に「時間と数」 ―― つまり「慣れ」で、社会に受け入れられていくのです。

And what can not be explained logically basically come to be accepted by society using "time and number", in other words,"familiarization".



However, the history of "tongue piercing" is still short, against the history of "ear piercing".


In addition, it is difficult to take majority strategy like “google street view”.


So, I would like to keep watching over the coming 100 year war of "Tongue piercing" from a safe place where the bullets don't fly.

2019-04-24 10連休が始まる ―― [長年日記]

10連休が始まる ――

10 consecutive holidays (10-days holiday) start ---


However, the fact that there are people who can rest for 10 consecutive holidays, also means that they have to work for them. It is natural not to say that "everyone can rest for 10 days".


I can understand that the reason why the government made this 10-day holiday is “social experiment using the whole of Japan”.


Of course, depending on the organization, someone can take 10 days off by adding reward leave etc. to GW, summer vacation, New Year holidays.


However, in this case, it is "10 consecutive holidays as a national holiday" and the meaning is the same.



I considered the contents of "Social experiment using the whole of Japan".


First of all, as a matter of course, economic effects, cash flow (cash and bond flows), manufacturing processes, and labor that violates the law, will be monitored, as usual.


- Suicides on the first day after 10 consecutive holidays


- Number of retired workers after 10 consecutive holidays


- Number of divorces after 10 consecutive holidays


It is not hard to imagine the above.


Of course, I think that simulation to our own (activities after retirement, other than company and home) is also expected through long vacation.



However, even after obtaining these results, nobody will say "In Japan, two-digit holidays do not work well, so we will stop it in the future".


The government should make people work for another things (care, child care, reproduction, even marriage (?), other consumption behavior. not wasting the resources (people and time) for the current organization (company or office) in vain.


Working style reform is the reset and rebuilding of social resource distribution.

国民を労働から開放しよう ―― などという優しいものではなく、私達のリソースを、他のタスクに振り分けて、最大限利用し尽そうとする試みのことです。

There is no intention to release the people from labor. It is an attempt to allocate our resources to other tasks and to make the best use of them.


The 10 consecutive holidays are important experiments for both the government and us.

2019-04-25 NHKテキストの「100分de名著」。これ凄いです。このテキストこそ名著です。 [長年日記]

「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」のヒロイン、常守朱 (つねもりあかね)が、法を遵守することに固執している理由が ―― 少くとも、原作を読まずに、アニメを見ているだけの私には ―― 良く分かりませんでした。

I didn't understand why is Tsunemori Akane, the heroine of “PSYCHO-PASS” adhering to compliance with the law. At least it may be because I am watching anime without reading the original.


You may be surprised, but I think that I can understand the significance of "law-abiding".


However, in the case of me, I am a rare person who approached the "spirit of law" from "patent law".


Therefore, it may be different from other people in that "law" is recognized as "a device that operates a social system".


That aside.


先日、イマヌエル・カントの「永遠平和のために」を読んで ―― 正確にいうと、NHKテキストの「100分de名著」を読んで、ですが ―― 、サイコパスのヒロイン、常守朱 (つねもりあかね)の考え方が、なんとなく分かってきたような気がします。

The other day I read Immanuel Kant's "For Eternal Peace" --- To be precise, I read "100 minutes de masterpiece" of NHK text, ---, I came to feel that the heroine's way of thinking is always understood.


"100 minutes de masterpiece" of NHK text. This is amazing. This text is a great book.

このテキスト書いている人の文章構成力がすごい ―― 著書の中のセリフ、その解釈、そして私達の生活に当てはめた実施例のバランスが絶妙です。

The author of this text is amazing --- The balance of the words in the book, their interpretation, and the examples applied to our lives is exquisite.


I was impressed, as if I am reading a patent specification that has been beautifully praised


I recommend you to read it once, getting the back number.



In my rough understanding, Kant was

―― 人間の本質は悪である

- Human nature is evil

―― 人間の本質は悪であるが故に、それをうまいこと転がしてやれば、「永遠平和」は実現可能である

- Because human nature is evil, if you do it well, "eternal peace" can be realized

―― 具体的には、(1)法治された民主主義国家と、(2)それらの国家を束ねる「連合」を作って、転がすことができる

- Specifically, (1) a legalized democratic nation, and (2) a coalition that ties those nations together can be created and rolled.


wrote a system construction and operation manual of "Eternal Peace System" that is easy for system engineers to understand from the NHK text (not the original book)



Tsunemori Akane, unlike me, would have read this Immanuel Kant's original book of “For Eternal Peace”.


Given such background for her, social governance by the Sibyl system is

―― めちゃくちゃ不愉快ではあるけど、カント思想の具体化(めちゃくちゃ偏向しているが)

"Although it is awfully unpleasant for her, it is a materialization of Kant's thought (though it is insanely biased)"


She may have judged as above.

2019-04-26 『おまえさあ、読者に読んで貰おうという気持ち、1mmでもある?』 [長年日記]


The NHK text "100 minutes de masterpiece" is also read from Kant, Ortega to Spinoza.


I brought the text to the bathroom, dropped it in the bathtub, filled it with a highlighter, and frayed it in just a day.


I thought "It's okay to collect the whole text of this series".But when I checked it closely, I noticed that there were some author texts that you do not want to read. So I will not collect the whole text.


Anyway, one book is about 600 yen, cost performance is also the best.



The only thing I do not know is why those philosophers didn't write a book like the "100 Minutes de Masterpiece" by themselves,


Indeed, the original book of philosophy is like,


"Oh, well, Do you have a feeling that you would like the reader to read your book? "


difficult to understand.


Well, I read Japanese translation versions, so honestly I do not understand "how difficult the original book is"


However, the person who wrote the Japanese translation should have tried to translate it as closely as possible to the original book after understanding it well.


Therefore, I think that it is not wrong that the original book itself is difficult.


(I am only reading the original English technical book when When all other means are exhausted.

―― 社会を良くしようと志向する者(哲学者)が、大衆に理解できない本を書いてどうする

―― How does a person (philosopher) who intends to improve society write a book that the public can not understand?


I think so.


I would like to say, "As same an original book, write the summary as well as a summary," "you will not leave the work of" 100 minutes de masterpiece "to later generations."


(To be continued)

2019-04-27 薄ら笑いを浮べながら、彼らのアホらしい空虚な議論を聞き流していました。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


When I was a student, I lived in a so-called autonomous dormitory.


The dormitory had only the remnants of the student movement ten years ago remained, and could hardly appeal to students.


However, some of the dormitory students were proud of the principles of the dormitory.

そして、小さな町工場の息子であって、零細企業の悲哀を思う存分味わってきた私は、哲学者やら思想家やらの言葉を引用して、議論をする彼らとは ―― とことん、相容れませんでした。

And I was the son of a small town factory, and I had tasted the sorrows of small businesses. So I could not agree with them whom quoted the words of philosophers, thinkers and others.

■資本家による搾取だぁ? バカいってんじゃねーよ。日本の97%の企業は中小または零細企業で、その社長の殆どは、大企業のサラリーマンよりはるかに貧乏だぞ

- Is it exploitation by a capitalist? Don't be stupid. 97% of companies in Japan are small companies, and most of their presidents are much poorer than business persons of large companies.


- Even a large company, under the supervision of shareholders, under the supervision of shareholders, if management is doing bad management, they will be dismissed at the moment. In order to survive, they simply make the choice to lay off their employees.

とまあ、その当時にあって、不渡りの連鎖で、取引先の夫婦が首吊り自殺をして、父の会社も倒産直前まで至った、その社長の息子は ――

Well, at that time, the son of that president whose father's business partners were hanging suicide and father's company also reached just before bankruptcy in the chain of failure,


While making me laugh, he was listening to their ridiculously empty arguments.


(To be continued)

2019-04-28 『自分の主張を、人に説明できる程度に纏めて、ロジカルに説明できない、お前の頭が悪すぎるんだ』 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


However, what I felt really troubled at the study sessions held at the dormitory was their "sorry writing ability".


Since I was a science student, I knew well the necessity of representing the concept with figures and numbers. The badness of the dormitory's presentation was hopeless.


A summary statement in my report form that explains things in a complete and logical way, was just criticized as


"Easy Schemeism"



Now I can say


"Your head is too bad to summarize your claim and explain it to others"


However at the time, I could not know which one is correct.


Now there is no doubt of their ignorance.



I will consider that at the time of the self-governing dormitory, the reason of this "innocent writing" passed through, was the influence of "the translation of the original book" by philosophers and thinkers.

「訳の分からん文章」を書くことが正しい ―― のような、アホな考え方の根底には、

"Unreasonable writing" is right --- at the bottom of this foolish thought, I think there are two possibilities.


(1)There is no technical writing (logical writing) ability at all


(2)If it is described in the above method (1), the shallowness of the bottom of their idea is easily exposed



Anyway, I think I was really wise. Because I noticed that I was being stunned with such things, and I left the room soon. even I was a leader of the dormitory.


In the above discussion in the dormitory, whenever I heard a quote from a thinker or philosopher they abuse, I thought

―― おまえ、本当にこの原書の内容を理解した上で、話をしているのか?

"Are you really talking after understanding the contents of this original book?"



(To be continued)

2019-04-29 ―― 当初の予定通り動いたモノだけが正解であり、動かすことができた人間だけが正義 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


For me who only knows the names of thinkers and philosophers, there is no way how to judge true or false.


In order to refute the opponent, I must thoroughly learn about the original book of the thinker and philosopher.


But in the first place, I was not interested in such things.


Besides, from that time,

―― 社会を良くしようと志向する者(哲学者)が、大衆に理解できない本を書いてどうする


"How does a person (philosopher) who intends to improve society write a book that the public can not understand?"


I thought "I don't have to work hard to understand such a philosopher's book on such a stance,"



On the other hand, the world of technology (especially engineering) is clear.

―― 当初の予定通り動いたモノだけが正解であり、動かすことができた人間だけが正義

"The only thing that moved as originally planned is the correct answer, and only the person who was able to move is justice"


This is an absolute value standard.


So, no matter how well they speak technology, at least I can not trust anyone who can not move things.

特にコンセプトだけ語って、パワーポイントを量産するだけの奴は、私の記憶の中には残りません ―― で、人工知能技術の分野で、こういう手合いが多い。

Especially, a person who speak a concept only and mass-produce the power point, is out of my scope. there are many such people in the field of artificial intelligence technology.


I trust people who write 100-line executive programs with their own hands, rather than those who mass-produce 100 power points.


The voice of those who actually make things is very persuasive, and things that are made in this way are strong enough to be violent.


I look at the moving things, examine their contents, and marvel at the technological powers put into them.



However, I am not a fool of the person who makes the "concept".


The "concept" is, I think that is the same as "making things", If it is so concrete and realistic that it is an immediate execution possible state.


If they show the concept in a practical state, I think that I will be obsessed and obsessed with them.


On the contrary, I don't like a person who is just a PowerPoint maker with calling "concept shop".


Unfortunately, in my life, I have never met people beyond "concept shop" (others, "standardizing shop", "business model shop", etc.).


For now, other than "making things", there is no one who has made me insane, blind and obedient.

2019-04-30 人間の生活パターンというものは、なかなか侮り難いものがあるなぁ、と実感しています。 [長年日記]


I am now in country-house alone.


At the house where my father and mother are not, I am doing cleaning and changing bulbs.


By the way, my father had a life that day and night completely reversed.


When I stay alone at your own home, I can understand well how the father of single life became such a life pattern.


I realize that we get the notion of "time" by the constraint of "making a meal for someone and cleaning it for someone".


After staying for a few days at country-house, I got sick (well, I'm insomnia, so I can not sleep well, even if changing the futon).


One day before yesterday, I went to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning and yesterday, at 21 o'clock.



I like to have a relaxing meal at home rather than eating out.


However, I feel troublesome to wash dishes for mine, so recently, I have got lunch boxes and frozen foods at supermarket .


The recent frozen food is very good, so I don't want to eat out at all. and there is nothing wrong with having a computer (3 displays) with watching YouTube.


However, with the comfort of alone dinner, I made a calculation mistake of foods calorie, and my weight is now erratic.



I have realized that there are something difficult about human life patterns.