
2011-12-14 妻に贈る言葉


― 胃カメラは、きっと苦しいと思っているだろう。

― 『自分の中で想像し得る最悪の苦しさ』だろうと思っているかもしれない

― でもね、それは違うんだ。

― そんなもの、軽く凌駕する、想像を絶する凄さまじい苦しみだから


2013-12-14 私は、こういう見え透いたお世辞が ―― 大好きなんです。


The old days, a colleague who had worked in a factory asked me to explain a kind of network technologies.


Speaking of network technologies, It is Mr.Ebata. Speaking to Mr.Ebata, it is network technologies.

私は、こういう見え透いたお世辞が ―― 大好きなんです。

I do like any more fawning compliments like that.


"O.K. How about video teleconference system?


I answered.



When I started up the video teleconference system, there were at least five persons in high position, for example, division manager, technical manager and so on, though the colleague was absent with a cold.


I had thought that we had a chat about technology topics over a cup of coffee, so, of course, I had no preparation for them.

―― はめられた



I thought that is might be inevitable, but it was an unfaithful act without notices before.


Any contents of presentation should be changed by the person ranks, experiments and the number of attendant.


Especially, a person in high position knows well or doesn't know at all the special field of the technology, so I had to prepare unidirectional material before the meeting.



If Some people said "The guy whose name is Ebata was not good at the presentation", my reputation seems to be going down dynamically.


In spite of an engineer, I am just a salaried employee.

2014-12-14 ―― 果てしなく、鬱陶しい



Reading is entertainment, so the effect is to "enjoy reading".


But there are some additional effects, and one of them is that the reading becomes easier by reading".


To begin with, human being had not had a custom of reading, so reading is the newest entertainment for human being. (And one example of the oldest custom is to sex)


Reading is high-cost task that the human being has not experimented.


Reading makes us happier, because the task becomes low and we can realize the positive feedback of "making us happier easily".


If there are other entertainments that are more fun than reading, we don't have to cling to reading.



Personally, on the other hand, according to the persons who read my columns, I would like to keep reading.

それは、多くの人に「人生を豊かにして欲しい」―― などとは、これっぽちも望んでいません。

The reason is NOT that "I want you to live your life wealthy".


But I think that a person who


- Probably has no concept called "reading" is not embedded in the life,


- cannot arrive at even the last page of my column,


- is emptiness of literacy and reading comprehension,


- is deceived for an catchy title of the column (unfortunately I do not have authority to make a title)


- doesn't read my column at all (or cannot read by his/her capability),


-shows me a comment that is fatuous and impossible to read

―― 果てしなく、鬱陶しい

makes me annoyed endlessly


2015-12-14 それは、皆が、私のコラムを気に入っているから


I often send business mails with my column (or essay) to concerned parties.


But nobody blame me about the mails.


"Everybody loves my column in the mail"

―― などと言うような、お花畑な話、私ですら信じていません。

Even I also don't believe such a convenient fiction at all.


The reason is clear.


Everyone doesn't want to be in trouble with EBATA-san.



To be more precise,


The first, it is an official power.


The second, it is years of employment (an old man, in short)


The third is both performance and reputation of long standing of "Going against Ebata-san, is always annoying me"


This is a typical power harassment.


If someone accuse me that the annoying mails get them sick of PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder), I think that I am going to plead my guilty at the first court.


「そこまでして、何故?」 と思われるかもしれません。

You could think that "Why does Ebata try it that far?"


I feel grateful if you can understand that it is one of life-styles.


I am sorry but, I think that my happiness is always based on the other's annoying.

2016-12-14 しかし、「本人が嫌だ」といっていることは、回りがどんなに楽しくても、やってはいけないのです(当たり前だ)。


Many people tend to enjoy a harassment against a person who is horrified by a tale of fear.


However, nobody allows to do any harassment, even if others come to enjoy his/her reaction.


(This story connects to "bully" though, I skip it today.)


私の最愛の嫁さんは、怖い話 ―― お化けとか霊とか ―― が、苦手です。

My darling wife dislikes tale of fear, for example, sprite and monstrosity.


I am afraid that it is too weak to explain the background.


If I talk a tale of fear to my wife playfully, she screams with a nightmare, and suffers insomnia. In consequence, she cannot manage the Ebata's system.


Thus, my wife teaches me to the very bone, that nobody must do anything a person dislikes. It is a self-evident fact.

ですから、私は、これまで、嫁さんには、「怖いコンテンツ」 ―― ホラー系の映画やら、リアルなドキュメンタリーやら ―― を遠ざけるようにしてきました。

Therefore, I have been kept her at a distance from anything of fear until now, for example, scary movie, and unmerciful documentary program.


About the animation of sprite and monstrosity, I sent a mail to my second daughter and asked her to record it.



However, I was very surprised to hear that my wife is enjoying the animation whose title "Natsume-Yujinchou("Natsume's notebook of his friend's name"), even she doesn't like animation itself.


Ebata:"In the animation, many sprite and monstrosity appear in swarms don't they?"


When I asked her, she said just


Wife:"No problem. That is O.K,"




Needless to say, "Natsume Yujinchou" is a masterpiece of masterpieces, coming to the 5th season.

それを、自室のパソコンで隠れて視聴していた私の苦労は ―― まあ、それは、それで面白かったですけどね。

Where my burden is going, that I had watched the animation by PC in my room underground, but it was be all in a day's work.

2017-12-14 ―― そうか、「合理」「不合理」を含むセリフって、非日常的なのか


The other day, when I talked with my wife, she said


"I first saw a man (Ebata) who used the word "irrationality" or" cost "in daily conversation"




For example, when my wife's mother went to our house and stayed, I heard that she was hesitant to take a bath before me. However I could not understand her behavioral principle.


At that time, I remember saying like "Heat energy is wasted (hot water has cooled down), it is irrationality"


However, the idea that the fact that "taking a bath ahead" than a family head, is not irrationality, even if the idea becomes old.


Especially, in a state where she does not know whether I am "a person" who cares the fact, such behavior can be said to be "rational".


In addition, once I get angry, I will continue to fight until the opponent or I fall down. This is the ultimate "irrational" behavior.



Here, it does not matter whether "I am a reasonable person" or not,


It is that "I am a person who normally uses the term of "rationality" or "irrationality" in daily conversation.

―― そうか、「合理」「不合理」を含むセリフって、非日常的なのか

"Well, the serif including 'rational' and 'irrational' unusual doesn't it"


I was impressed with my wife's opinion.



However, in my workplace (laboratory), the words "rationality", "irrationality", "cost", "profit", "damage" and "interest" are commonly used words.


I strongly recommend that a person who is date with a researcher, or married to a researcher, might raise or lower the level of "common sense" a little.


Researchers have no intention to be intellectual, and no malice, of course.

2018-12-14 『パワハラを受けたおかげで、私は成長することができた』


Recently, the article of "power harassment is necessary evil" has been found here and there.


Though I cannot find "sexual harassment is necessary evil".


The contents of these articles are almost same.


"I could improve my career, under the favor of boss's power harassment"



I think the authors who wrote the above article is, I think, "stupid" at the bottom of my heart.


Even if it is a power harassment or a sexual harassment, "harassment" is "harassment". So it is absolutely "evil".


The above writers who make a stupid article, has no concept of parameter of "time". That means, they ignore a socially accepted idea and social background at that time.


If "power harassment" is described by a formula, it come to be


harassment(t,p1,p2...)(t:year, p1:attribution of victim, p2:attribution of victimizer)


It means, that the return value of formula is changing by age, background, attribution of victim and victimizer.


The write who have no concept of "time" is going to finish writing such a stupid article.

つまり、「当時はパラハラと認定されなかったこと」が、「現在では問答無用100%のパラハラになる」という事実 ―― 事象の経時的変化 ―― を、ふっとばしているということです。

They skip the important thought that even if it is an action that was not recognise, as a power harassment, now it become perfect power harassment at the present.


The following are the practical example of this "stupid"


- To argue the judge during real fire and earthquake accident, at a quiet room with enormous information and time.


more, for more an extreme example,


- To argue the feudalism of Kamakura-era, from the viewpoint of the present system based on division of powers, democracy in a country ruled by law.


Anyway, needless to say, these are nonsense.



"I could improve my career, under the favor of boss's power harassment"


The guilty of this stupid writer, is to trust their idea completely, that is "my past experiment of harassment, is valid for the present social situation"


(To be continued)

2019-12-14 人の悪口をする時になると、わざわざ「ひそひそ話風」に会話のトーンを変えるののです。


I can make reservations for halls and rooms at the neighborhood association where I belong.


However, the reservation is operated by the incredible "System in Showa-era". like, 4 people respond at the window, only one hour from 9:00 am to 10:00 am on Sunday,

(Since I have talked about the “backwardness” of the neighborhood association, I will omit it this time.)



I also did the hall reception several times, however I was more interested in the way the women(the so-called housewives) talk near the front desk.


When it's time to speak ill of others, they change the tone of the conversation into a "hidden style".


I basically write columns and so on during my work, so I don't care about other people's conversations.


However, as the conversation mode changes, I will immediately notice “Oh, they start their bad mouths.


First of all, I have always been wondering why they behaves like making it easy to guess the content of a conversation.


As I think it now, that mode change may have been an implied request, "the story from here is off record."



Let's change the board. my company's cafeteria has a card payment system, as a matter of course.


When I place the tray on the table, the billing amount will be calculated soon.


Then, just touch the card reader with the employee ID card charged with cash, and the female voice of "Thank you" will be played and the checkout will be completed.


The trouble is charging. This is because the employee ID card and cash must be prepared and charged on a dedicated machine.


Well, I think it will be a matter of time to be linked with SUICA and PASMO auto-charge.



At the present time when there is no auto-charge function, if the charge amount is insufficient, a loud warning will be given as "Insufficient amount", and further "Please charge" will be pressed.


Naturally, this is known to those who are waiting for payment.


I have to hold the tray with both hands and go back to the front of the charging machine to do the charging.


I come to be a person shamed in front of others.



In this case, the above "hidden style" might be useful. From the speaker, with a small volume,

―― ちょっとちょっと、あんた、お金足りないよ

- Hey, you. you're short of money.

―― 今日のところは「つけ」といて上げるから、食器戻したら、そのままにチャージしてきなさいよ

Today, I book the bill down, so after you return the tray, charge it soon.


There are times when I think it would be nice to have such a system.

2020-12-14 『ならば「若い」を理由にしておいた方が、視聴者にはウケがいい』


I often have watched variety shows featuring so-called "young talents," such as programmers in their teens and entrepreneurs in 20s.


I don't know about "entrepreneurs", but I can understand most of what "programmers" do.

私が、これらの番組のMC(Master of Ceremony:進行役) の進め方を見ていて、どうも不快を感じるのは、

What I feel uncomfortable about the way MCs (Master of Ceremony) conduct these programs is that they say,

―― 若い人は、できるのよねー

"You are young, so you can do it"




This is quite a "rude" statement.


It doesn't mean we can do it because we are young, and it doesn't mean we can't do it if we are seniors.


In short,

―― やらない奴が、やらないだけ

"The people who don't do it, just don't do it"



To be honest, I am uncomfortable with the attitude of justifying one's "not doing" by creating a special category of "young people" for it.


For example, "programming" is difficult, depressing, and hard, but I don't think it's impossible.


At least, I believe that we can manage better than English.


Because no matter how many times you make a mistake in the code, if you keep correcting it, it will eventually start working.


(When I told that, my wife told me, "English is much easier than programming")



When I was complaining to my junior daughter about this, she said, "You don't understand, Dad".


'Most people in the world don't try. But they don't want to accept that reality"


'If that's the case, it's better to use "young" as an excuse, as it will be more popular with the audience'


'Of course, the MC must be 'well aware' of such things'


2021-12-14 枝野幸男さん、片山さつきさん、小泉進次郎さん、高市早苗さん、辻元清美さん ―― あなたたちの団体に関しては、『絶対ダメ』でしょう?

The percentage of online submissions that are ignored (online submission ignorance rate) was calculated by linking political organizations related to Diet members by politician name.


I have calculated it, but have not been able to review it, so I am looking at it now.



(1) Organizations that have implemented online submission

■菅義偉さん、二階俊博さん ―― の団体の皆さんは、さすがに、ちゃんとガバナンスが効いているみたいです。

As expected, the members of the organizations of Yoshihide Suga and Toshihiro Nikai seem to have good governance.

■大串正樹さん、大島理森さん、小林鷹之さん、小山徹さん、篠原孝さん、島村大さん、鈴木馨祐さん、武田良太さん、田城郁さん、那谷屋正義さん、野間健さん、原口一博さん、平井卓也さん、藤末健三さん、古川元久さん、牧原秀樹さん、丸山穂高さん、宮澤洋一さん、室井邦彦さん、森裕子さん ―― の団体の皆様、オンライン提出ご苦労さまでした

Masaki Ogushi, Rimori Oshima, Takayuki Kobayashi, Toru Koyama, Takashi Shinohara, Dai Shimamura, Keisuke Suzuki, Ryota Takeda, Iku Tashiro, Masayoshi Naya, Ken Noma, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Takuya Hirai, Kenzo Fujisue, Motohisa Furukawa, Hideki Makihara, Hotaka Maruyama, Yoichi Miyazawa, Kunihiko Muroi, Hiroko Mori -- thank you for your hard work in submitting online!


(2) Organizations that ignore online submissions.

■麻生太郎さん、小沢一郎さん、菅直人さん、杉田水脈さん、鈴木宗男さん ―― もう、この方たちの団体については、多分、今後もダメだろう、というあきらめの気持ちがあります。

Taro Aso, Ichiro Ozawa, Naoto Kan, Mizutake Sugita, and Muneo Suzuki -- I have a feeling of resignation that their organizations will probably not make it in the future.

■安倍晋三さん、甘利明さん、石破茂さん、石原伸晃さん、稲田朋美さん、小渕優子さん、萩生田光一さん、三原順子さん ―― あなたたちの団体は『ダメ』でしょう?

Shinzo Abe, Akira Amari, Shigeru Ishiba, Nobuteru Ishihara, Tomomi Inada, Yuko Obuchi, Koichi Hagiuda, Junko Mihara -- your organizations are 'no good', aren't they?

■枝野幸男さん、片山さつきさん、小泉進次郎さん、高市早苗さん、辻元清美さん ―― あなたたちの団体に関しては、『絶対ダメ』でしょう?

Yukio Edano, Satsuki Katayama, Shinjiro Koizumi, Sanae Takaichi, Kiyomi Tsujimoto -- as far as your organizations are concerned, "absolutely not," right?


In addition, all the people who were not mentioned above are "ignored groups".



I would like to follow up with you every year from now on.

2022-12-14 私的な見解ですが ―― 現在のアカデミズムに決定的に欠けているのは『思いやり』なんじゃないかなぁ、と思うのです。


This is a continuation of yesterday's story.


I am wrestling with a stack of papers these days, and to be honest, I am quite angry.

―― なんでお前ら、言葉だけで説明しようとするんだ

"Why do you guys try to explain with just words?"



I went to the trouble of making this diagram myself to illustrate "someone else's paper".


I think, 'This is the figure you (the authors) would make in the first place.'


To me, it looks like "the author is making no effort to approach the reader, leaving the reader's understanding of the paper out"



If you have been reading my columns, you may know that I cover an insane amount of my writing (over 50% of the paper) with charts and photos.


This year, I wrote a paper that I submitted in the form of a mostly spoken column.


I contributed my paper with the thought, "Even If rejected, I don't care," but thankfully, I received a paper award.

私的な見解ですが ―― 現在のアカデミズムに決定的に欠けているのは『思いやり』なんじゃないかなぁ、と思うのです。

In my opinion -- I think that what is definitely lacking in academia today is "compassion".

2023-12-14 アニメ「葬送のフリーレン」のオープニング(日本語と英語版の両方)を聞かせれば、英語や国語が『人を感動させる道具(あるいは武器)になる得る』という実例を、分かって貰えるんじゃないかなぁ、とか考えています。


"Why Should I study? "


This is a universal question against adults regarding children's studies, and difficult.

I have written about it here,

■古典は必要か → 使う場面ないじゃんか?

- Do I need the classics? There's no use for them, is there?

■歴史は必要か → 昔の話を持ちだしてどうする?

- Do I need the history? What's the point of bringing up old stories?

■英語は必要か → (江端試算では)4%の日本人しか使っていないぞ?

- Do I need English? → (According to Ebata's estimate) Only 4% of Japanese people use English.

■現国は必要か → 文庫本が読める程度の漢字を知っていればいいんじゃないの?

- Do I need Japanese →? Don't I need to know enough kanji to read a paperback book?

■体育は必要か → 日常生活で、走ったり跳んだり泳いだりする必要性はあるか?

- Do I need physical → Is there a need to run, jump, or swim daily?

■理科は必要か → リトマス試験紙が何色になるかが、そんなに重要か?*)

■ Do I need science → Is it so important what color the litmus test paper turns out to be


In response to these questions, 'Shut up and study! To the point where adults yell at children --- this is a typical package.


This is shameful as an adult.


Adults must not neglect their efforts to answer children's questions.



I think that if you play the opening of the anime "Souei no Freelen" (both the Japanese and English versions), children will understand that English and the Japanese language can be tools (or weapons) to move people.

English version

Japanese version



This is the first time I have ever felt "literature" in an anime opening.


Of course, music is an art form, but I believe this is a new field of literature.


I pay the utmost respect to the creators of this music.


Well, the following is what I recalled about the opening of this animation.


Well, it's a "helpless" story.