
2022-08-30 There is no biblical account of Jesus being a heavyweight macho man, and even if he was, there is no way he could carry a cross with no handles. [長年日記]

After this TV carrying experience, I have been skeptical of the Bible's content.

Jesus of Nazareth is said to have walked the 1.6 km to the Hill of Golgotha carrying a cross weighing 70 kg to 90 kg.

I can't believe it.

My wife and I had severe pain in our lower back just trying to move a 75 kg plasma display by 30 cm.

I can't tell you how much money and time my wife and I spent getting this TV upstairs and further up the wardrobe.

There is no biblical account of Jesus being a heavyweight macho man, and even if he was, there is no way he could carry a cross with no handles.

The speed at which a cross weighing 70 kg to 90 kg can be moved (shifted over the ground) is limited to 2 meters per hour.

If so, the arrival time at Golgotha Hill is 800 hours.

Even if he worked 24 hours a day, sleepless nights, it would take 33 days to complete the project.

Before the third day has passed, overwork is a certainty.


Well, it is the day before the last day of summer vacation.

Everyone who is having trouble with their summer free research.

Ask your father or mother to buy 70 kg worth of lumber at a DIY store, and then modify it into a cruciform shape and do an experiment to see how much you can actually carry!

It will probably be a big hit at your school.

TV stations might come to cover the event.