
2020-05-30 "Men who are shorter than you are not eligible for love without questions" [長年日記]

We are a family of four with a 1:3 ratio of men and women.

So, I can hear as much as I want about what type of man a woman likes.

Among them, one of the true feelings that struck me was

"Men who are shorter than you are not eligible for love without questions"

The three women were unanimous in their opinion.

Of course, I asked why, and the answer was.

"We can't explain it logically."

This was a very logical answer.


No matter what your preferences are, it's up to themselves. That's not for me to argue with.

These three women, who had not seem same consensus, reached this opinion unanimously. I come to think that it's the "female majority thought form" -- I am shocked a little.

These three women are split in their opinions about the "physique" of men.

They range from well-muscled and muscular to slender and skinny.

Not to mention their facial preferences.

However, when it comes to "height", they are all in agreement.

I don't know.

Why is an attribute parameter such as "height" so dominant?


Second daughter: "What do you think of a woman taller than you?

Ebata: "I don't care about her height at all. On the contrary, it's almost as if it might be welcome.

Second daughter: "I think you are more of a singularity.

Ebata: "I don't know, I've never had that conversation with a stranger. However, I don't understand why "high and low" is the highest sensitivity parameter, rather than "beauty and ugliness" or "weight and loss"."

Second daughter: "Why do you care when we're walking together on a date?

Ebata: "I don't care of it. By the way, are we all on the same opinions?"

Everyone in the family, except me, nodded their heads.