
2020-04-23 Mr. Ebata. you could not anticipate this "nightmare", but you could expect the number itself. Could you ? [長年日記]

Q. Looking back on the infection status of COVID-19 on April 10, was there a problem that (Ebata) enjoyed his (solo) ski trip on March 21?

In response, I received an email from Dr. Shibata, so I will open it with the permission.

====== Reply from Dr. Shibata ("Shibata of the overrun"), from here ======

A. I think that Mr. Ebata's ski trip had no problem at all.

Historically, or rather, human societies are so loose that they indirectly harm the lives of others on a daily basis.

"Tobacco ⇒ Cancer death"

"Harassment and economic disparity that are not recognized as crime ⇒ suicide"

Automobile ⇒ accidental death, sequelae"

"Fast or salty food ⇒ hypertension ⇒ lethal vascular lesions"

"Nuclear power plant on volcanic and earthquake islands"

There are many examples and reality that human life is lighter than greed and inertia.

Well, there is a used expression that "Integration of multiplication of difference in life expectancy between developing and developed countries and number of births". It is said that this is the same of "the amount of life that person who haves cut off persons who have-nots".

So, I think that according to the act before the harmful act is widely known as a threat at the level of social common sense, nobody should take responsibility.

Also, the Japanese government weighs the economy and the complete end of COVID-19, and at the moment, we are giving up the end of COVID-19 and aiming for equilibrium.

The complete closure of the economy will hunt down a lot of people, create a lot of misfortune, and generate a considerable number of suicides.

So I agree with this direction.

The government's aim is to minimize the misfortunes of the world = spend money while keeping the number of COVID-19 patients to a number that does not cause medical collapse.

Corona is dead but society is dead ... This doesn't make us laugh.

When thinking that way, I think that Mr. Ebata, who spent money on leisure when there were only a few infected people, contributes much more to society than the young people who wander around without spending money in Shibuya.


However, if I would like to add only one point, Mr. Ebata. you could not anticipate this "nightmare", but you could expect the number itself, Could you?

(To be continued)