
2019-04-23 After all, my logicalness is, too weak to withstand this sort of incident. [長年日記]

I do not think that I am a human being who is able to get rid of emotions and perform logical thinking based on numbers.

The following is one of the examples

Daughter: "My friend's mother is lamenting that my friend is piercing."

Ebata: "Are you a friend of the same age? Piercings, now, will not be unusual. Does the mother have an old and conservative thought?

Daughter: "The problem is the place where she is piercing."

Ebata: "Well, 'Kippiru Pierce?'"

Daughter: "Other than that"

Ebata: "What?"

Daughter: "Tongue piercing"

Ebata: "I'm sorry. Now, in a moment, I could understand how the mother felt"


"If you pierce the tongue, it will be unsanitary, and it will make your dishes poor, firstly !"

It is me that has been criticized so far, in spite of "I have not tried "Tongue piercing" by myself"

After all, my logicalness is, too weak to withstand this sort of incident.


This kind of problem is an issue that solves in time and number, after all.

For example, if half of the university students come up with "tongue piercing" in fashion, everyone will not criticize it. Or everyone will not feel it.

This is the same as the "Google Street View" story that I have mentioned many times.

That's because we can not explain logically that "ear piercing" is OK and "tongue piercing" is NG.

And what can not be explained logically basically come to be accepted by society using "time and number", in other words,"familiarization".


However, the history of "tongue piercing" is still short, against the history of "ear piercing".

In addition, it is difficult to take majority strategy like “google street view”.

So, I would like to keep watching over the coming 100 year war of "Tongue piercing" from a safe place where the bullets don't fly.