
2018-07-27 Well, like that, I who arrived at Izumo Taisha Shrine, was delighted with voices. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Of course, since Kojiki and Nihon Shoki were official documents compiled by the state (the government of the time), it is natural that they were described conveniently on the state power side.

It should be considered that there is reasonable significance in describing the story of "rabbit","feces","inequitable transfer agreement" in the official document. Otherwise, the government at the time was "just a fool".

The aim of the official document on the power side is basically "justification of the deprivation of power by emerging power".

For at least the myth of Izumo, based on the confrontation structure of "God of Nativeism v. Emerging God (Emperor's ancestor)", the story was made to justify the suppression (suppression) of regional clans by emerging forces (courtiers (Emperor Side)).

Well, for that reason,

"Even the present Emperor can not enter the main shrine of Izumo Taisha"

The story is, if you interpret the myth story obediently, very natural.

"There is no reason for a conquered person (a god of indigenous people) to invite the descendants of the conquistador (the present Emperor) to the "living room" of his house (Izumo Taisha).

In this way, I feel endless romance in what the mythical world is tied up to now.


Well, like that, I who arrived at Izumo Taisha Shrine, was delighted with voices.

- "Oh, the shrine of Susanoo is surprisingly small!" (Susanoo has its headquarters in every place, so it is OK)

- "What, is there even shrine of Utama-no-Tamano-Kami in Izumo !!" (Utama-ni-Tamano-Kami is originally a god of spontaneous grain, but there is a legend that is Susanoo's daughter, or legend that is brother and sister is also is there)

- "This is the accommodation facility of the 8 million gods (Yaorozunokami) during the period of Kannazuki (October) ... Yeah," It is a small facility ".8 million lodging here is really possible? "(8 million is 70% of Tokyo population)

(To be continued)