
2018-05-04 "Well, I knew it. However, if it does not work well, we will want to cling something" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Apart from that.

I installed a SORACOM device in a Raspberry PI and made a security system for my parent's house. Needless to say, the parent's house is different from my room in my house, naturally.

(Step1) Firstly, because the shape of the HDMI interface was different, I could not connect the Raspberry PI to the display, so I went to buy a converter in the electric shop.

(Step2) When connecting the keyboard, mouse and display to the PI, the power overload (?) causes the PI to go down and start the infinite motion of the reboot (the system might be destroyed).

(Step3) Not to improve the situation, even if the USB power supply was converted, I made SSH environment in the personal computer, and SSH communication was carried out via the WiFi mobile access point, making various PPP environment with building while updating variously , I created an SSH server environment on the the PI.

(Step4) So, I installed SSH client on my personal computer, since there is no LAN cable that directly connects the personal computer and the PI, I ordered the cable to Amazon, addressed to my parents' house,

(Step5)The way of setting fixed address from Ubunts 16.04 has changed to a setting I have never seen before (who decided the crazy setting of "No eth0". I seemed to forget me with anger. Who made this absurd setting file of "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules".

(Step 6) So, I installed SSH client on my personal computer. I tried using a cable purchased at Amazon, and as a result, I knew that it was automatically set regardless of cross and straight.

"Well, I knew it. However, if it does not work well, we will want to cling something"

(Step7) I tried logging in the PI from SSH using SORACOM, however, I could not figure out the configuration of the relay server, and eventually time up was coming without achieving the original objectives.


So, what I want to say, are

"I am a writer (or a columnist) who makes mass produces stupid squirrels,"

At the same time,

"I am also an engineer to attentive to system construction not for money

If even 1% of this power is poured into such things as "personal connections", "heart" or "compassion",I, maybe, will make me a person who can say

"- The world is in my hand"

(*)Stein's Gate Episode 23 "Stein's Gate on the Boundary"

I believe it quite seriously.