
2015-03-04 "The probability to meet an ideal woman or man in the future, is small hopelessly" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Even if there is no phrases like this foolish author couple's, I am afraid that there are more than a few persons who think same.

If some teachers tell a half-asleep phrase like "mathematics is a study to train logical thinking", they are absolutely wrong.

The reason to study mathematics is very simple and clear.

Because it is a practical learning for our life.

But nobody doesn’t talk about the utility in the classes.

In the mathematics class, teachers show the reason why students should know the significant of quadratic equation, exponential function, logarithmic function, factorization, probability, statistics.

In my opinion, teachers may spend half of time in the mathematics class for the cases.

The answer is not essential. Computers can output the answer easily. The most important thing is to show the solution to others.

I remember my second daughter’s story, that some schools have already started to check not the answer but the solution at the entrance examination.


There is a useful method whose name is "Fermi estimate".

This method is a kind of trial to calculate proximate value, based on information from the internet and our experiments.

I think that mathematics is a tool to do this "Fermi estimate", and the math class is a training field for the drill.

If we take the class like that, I can daily understand, for example,

"The probability to meet an ideal woman or man in the future, is small hopelessly"

And the method will make us give up some useless trial in our life.

(To be continued)