
2023-04-11 "Why don't they carry non-alcoholic beer in the station vending machines?" [長年日記]

Non-alcoholic beer is a beer-flavored carbonated water beverage, basically the same as cola or other carbonated beverages.

Of course, it has zero alcohol(*), and in light of the calories, it should be a much healthier drink than other drinking water.

(*) Some beers with less than 1% alcohol by volume are called non-alcoholic beers, but are not included here.

"Why don't they carry non-alcoholic beer in the station vending machines?"

I like to drink normally, on my way to work, to school, or in the company cafeteria.


To begin with, the design of that can is confusing.

That design makes it look like you are drinking real beer.

I sometimes drive while drinking non-alcoholic beer and will probably be caught by the police in the near future (although I am sure I will be released soon).

I don't drink it as an alternative to beer, I like the unique barley taste of that beer.

And if I am going to pay for something, I want to drink what I like.


I wonder if the reason why the can design is made to look exactly like real beer is because many users want to be fooled into thinking that they are drinking beer, not only in terms of taste, but also visually.

I understand how you feel.

In fact, I believe that non-alcoholic beer contributes significantly to the prevention of drunk driving.

Well, sometimes I see things I don't like.


My family has become significantly less alcohol literate since I stopped drinking.

After all, there was persons who believed that "if you mix barley tea with soda water, you can make non-alcoholic beer". They were my wife and my second daughter.