
2020-08-30 "Imaginary fulfilling", or so-called "IM-life" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

We learn the concept of "imaginary numbers" and "imaginary spaces (complex planes)" in high school mathematics.

Despite the name "imaginary", imaginary space is a space that exists in reality (orthogonal space), but is only in a dead angle (orthogonal) from real space.

As opposed to "Really fulfillment", so-called "RE-life"

the "rent-a-girlfriend/boyfriend" is a new value in the orthogonal space,

"Imaginary fulfilling", or so-called "IM-life"

We should recognize it.

If you take it one step further, "love" itself is like a vector in cyclic motion on a plane consisting of a "RE-life" axis and an "IM-life" axis.


In an example of a vector that is stagnant on the "RE-life" axis, there are "love birds".

Unsurprisingly, "love birds" have a frighteningly short life-time, since stagnant vectors have no kinetic energy.

On the other hand, in an example of a vector that is stagnant on the "IM-life" axis, it would be a "rent-a-girlfriend/boyfriend.

This vector is also not in motion, so it is the same in that it disappears when the supply of energy (cash) is no longer available.

Conversely, as long as the supply of energy (cash) continues, it can survive.


It is a narrow, short-sighted and unfair way of thinking to say that "the only energy available to maintain love is love itself".

We use our partner's attributes as an alternative energy for "love", for example,

ideas, culture, hobbies, tastes, and preferences, appearance, age, and even education, status, income, etc.

Not a single person should be able to "publicly" deny this fact.