
2019-11-30 However, the risk of "drag" is, of course, the "pain". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

However, given the fact that it is illegal, buying and selling drugs is not worth the cost.

If you take into account running costs (and hit a calculator here) after considering expulsion, dismissal (no retirement fee, etc.), criminal penalties and imprisonment, etc.

there will be a loss of about 20,000 to 30,000 yen per day and about 1 million yen per month.

In the case of entertainers, it will increase by an additional digit.

The amount of damage caused by drug use by the entertainer of popular drama performer is said to be 300-400 million yen, even if it can only be calculated. This agrees with my estimation results.

"Drag" is a word of "nonsense", in terms of the total cost including risk.


However, the risk of "drag" is, of course, the "pain".

That is the reaction when the "drag" disappears. Suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms such as, hallucinations, hearing, pain that feels like bones fall apart, chills, vomiting, and eczema.

So, in order to "just" escape from the suffering, further "drag" will be requested.

If "drag" only provides pleasure unilaterally, I'm welcome. However, if it is confirmed that it exists only to avoid pain,

"There is no merit of "drag"

I can say that.


"Drag" is "the worst possible humanity thing" that destroys personality, life, and blocks the means to escape from it.

In particular, because "blows on the economy" are so good, the "drag" was used as a strategic weapon for war between nations.

As you know, there was actually a drug war that killed and destroyed the nation (opium war).

(To be continued)