
2018-05-22 Many of us do not have a "want list". It is "Only do what we can do" under the given conditions. [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number"(49) : Work style reform(8) "

Who made me a patient? The inseparable relationship between work and disease


Even though I myself really wonder, I can understand

(A) "Pay 100% effort on the goals I decided"


(B) "Pay 100% effort on the goals that others (company) decided (without my permission)"

is really incomprehensible.

No, I don't criticize anyone. this is for "myself".

Moreover, in my case, the achievement rate of (B) is overwhelmingly higher for me.


Now I am thinking,

"Originally, we do not have "I want to do it myself"

"What makes us move is a request (or command) or environment from others or from outside"

For example, most Japanese are interested in dieting, spending 3 trillion yen each year, and most of them have failed.

This is a typical example of "failing goals decided by myself".

However, if "going on diet and keeping it" becomes a business order, and the failure connects to your demotion, reduction of salary, dismissal", I think that we can expect a considerable effect (aside from privacy and legitimacy).


So, I said well,

- The guys who say "Do what you want to do, basically do not know anything.

- Many of us do not have a "want list". It is "Only do what we can do" under the given conditions.

- We replace "what we can do" with "what we want to do", we are alive in a virtual world, like "I choose my life by myself"

In this way, the content of this column makes even me satisfy.

(I could not rest at all)