
2017-08-09 - is going to die in the greatest severe pain and despair, while watching parts of my body that became blood clotted and scattered [長年日記]

I have contributed the result of "simulated diving suicide into train" over the course of 1/100 second unit.

In the column,

"Dive suicide" that

- is not killed instantly

- is going to die in the greatest severe pain and despair, while watching parts of my body that became blood clotted and scattered

I showed that the possibility is high, with being given some advice from an active doctor and being used a computer.


Actually, I learned this method from the program of

"NHK Special, Impact of atomic bombardment for 10 seconds "

This program strongly gave me the fact that

"event" should be expressed by something "visible" in the "time-series process", not "posterior result", in order to tell the event accurately

In the first place, information is destined to lose much of the amount of information at the time of transmission.

The list of adjectives such as "sad" is "painful" and "spicy", has limited power, no matter how many words it overlaps.

In words, both the speaker and the listener can not have a place (background) to share.

On the other hand, "chopping the time section of the event and disclosing it all" forcibly creates a sharable place and provides an environment in which nobody can escape.

In my writing, why I am concerned with "simulation" - No matter how bad it is - is that I want to create this "forced field"

And I think that I want to drive the reader to the situation of "they can not escape anymore".

(To be continued)