
2016-05-11 "Under the influence of the Soviet Union, ... European countries came to the movement of the republic" [長年日記]

I have received a lecture of world history from the eldest daughter.

She said that to explain a history story to others, she can understand the story deeply. So I have heard a variety of story from her.

I am not good at world history, however, in a variety of circumstances, I think that I know well about the history of after publishing "Kapital".

By the way, I had stopped reading "Capital" before the fifth line of the first page.

It is my belief that the responsibility of the unintelligible sentence is not for readers but for writers.

I also feel "I tighten my neck".


"Under the influence of the Soviet Union, ... European countries came to the movement of the republic".

Ebata:"Wait! Wait! Absolutely NOT. It is not "the republic" but "Communist Party"or "communist forces."

Daughter:"But, it says so in my notebook".

"It means,

The emperor system was brought down, and the republic began,

Whereby, as a result, the politics had achieved multi-party system,

and, "Communist Party" was also legalized.

Finally, The Soviet Union had begun to interfere with the party.

You skip the a series of circumstances."


I think that a pair of the Soviet Union and the republic is the worst combination ,like a pair of "eel" and "watermelon".

But I was a little shocked that she didn't have the uncomfortable feeling.

Thinking it again, it was a same situation when I was a college student.

Many of the friends of the college, did not even know the word "communism".

(To be continued)