
2016-04-01 What I have to do is to just write lines and dots when the result is coming. [長年日記]

Web browser is useful for us, because it works on any OS and PC environment. So it is almost certain that the graphics interfaces are going to be unified ... not have already been unified.

One of the method is to use the language "Java Script" that can draw figures and tables on Web browser.

In addition, there are a lot of rich libraries for beautiful figures, graphic and tables.

But I think that it is



For me, some person who are not interested in beautiful drawings, just want to know the results of my simulation

It is enough for me to enable a conclusion to be drawn, and it is more helpful to be able to add the drawing coding in my simulation program.


An original PC had just the drawing function of points and lines on the display of 640x 400 dots. and no multi-task and no multi-windows.

For the present view, it is undeliverable poor machine.

But it was useful for me to write source codes of both drawing and calculations at the same time in one way.

What I have to do is to just write lines and dots when the result is coming.

Of course, the readability of the code is the worst, however, at that time, there was no concept of "code sharing".

To begin with, PC (Personal Computer) should be free for each person, that means, "anybody can be allowed to write any type of codes."

(To be continued)